Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

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    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Born from the virgin Mary on December 25 4 BC
    First-century religious leader and preacher
    He is the Son of God
    He was baptized by John the baptist
    He died on a cross for his people, whoever put their faith in him
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    Roman Rule of Israel

    Roman Rule of Israel
    Governmental structure ruled by Gabinius
    Intended to eliminate the old-age system of toparchies (districts made up of central towns and rural areas)
    Happened in 55-57
    The intent was to destabilize the nation, Julius Caesar resorted certain territories to Judea and appointed Hyrcanus II
    He was a weak ruler who could no administer or collect taxes
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    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    Agrippina convinced Claudius to marry her, but she then poisoned him and made Nero emperor at only age 16.
    The senate objected Nero's idea of Neropolis.
    A fire broke out the night of July 16, 64 near Circus Maximus' shops. The flames raged for 6 days before being in control.
    When the smoke cleared 10/14 of Rome's district was in ruin. (Including the 800 y/o temple of Jupiter, 2/3 of Rome was destroyed).
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    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Founded many Christian churches
    Ministered to both Jewish and Roman audiences
    Prior to his conversion he was called Saul and dedicated his life to persecuting followers to Jesus
    He was struck blind by Jesus and converted to a disciple of him and devoted his new life in following Christ
    13/27 of the New Testament attributed to Paul
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    A Christian martyr who wrote a journal about her imprisonment
    Her text is one of the most rare surviving texts from a woman at that time
    This was during the time when Christianity was looked down upon
    She began her diary during her imprisonment, it included her dreams
    On the evening of her death, she gave her diary to another Christian who recorder her death in the arena
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Born February 27, 280 CE
    The first emperor to profess Christianity
    He had a vision that he saw Jesus and he saved him
    He put Christian symbols on the Roman army shields and armor
    He won many battles in the name of the Christian God
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    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    The emperor in rule was Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus
    He ordered the first publication of the destruction of Christian scriptures & places of worship
    He also prohibited Christians from assembling for worship
    He started the Diocletianic Persecution which went from 303-311
    That was the largest and bloodiest official persecution of Christianity
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    Battle of the Milvian Bridge

    Battle of the Milvian Bridge
    Battle between Constantine and Maxentius on Oct. 28, 312
    Constantine won the battle, Maxentius drowned in the river and was later decapitated
    The battle marked the beginning to Constantine's conversion to Christianity
    He was promised victory if the Greek sign for Christ's name was painted on the soldier's shields
    The Arch of Constantine was created for Constantine but does not display anything for Christ
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    A letter signed by Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius that proclaimed religious toleration in the Roman Empire
    Issued February 313
    Said any rights or anything taken from Christians was to be given back
    With the Edict of Milan Constantine granted many favors to the Christian Church
    Constantine ruled the western parts and Licinius ruled the east
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    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Flavius Theodosius born January 11, 347
    Was the Roman emperor of the East and became emperor of East&West
    Established Council of Nicaea as universal norm for Christian orthodoxy
    Wanted to rebuild army, directed lots of Teutons to be accepted by army
    His goal was to bring about faith within the empire (out of religious beliefs)