Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

By 321285
  • 303 BCE

    Great Persecution of (303 CE)

    Great Persecution of (303 CE)
    This was particularly important because of the mass death that happened to Christians in this era.
    -it was governmental
    -they were disliked for not worshiping the emperor
    -they were rumored to secretly be planning to overthrow the government in meetings
    -they flt it was a threat to them and there religion
  • 30 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth (30 CE)

    Jesus of Nazareth (30 CE)
    Jesus is worshiped as the savior of Christians and is said to have been persecuted by the roman before coming to life thus they Beginning of Christianity. An essential part of christian religion.
    -is an essential part of christian religion
    -was said to be persecuted himself
    -was the son of good and a traveler
    - gave miracles and blessings
  • 27 BCE

    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)( 27 CE)

    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)( 27 CE)
    Roman rule in Israel allowed them to destroy temples and install unfair taxes not just on Jews but eventually Christians.
    -In the wars a lot of citizens were taken as slaves
    -during the beginning the people were majority Jews
    -Hasmonean Antigonus ruled Rome during Jesus birth
    -Pontius Pilate was emperor when Jesus died
  • 5

    Paul of Tarsus( 5 AD birth)

    Paul of Tarsus( 5 AD birth)
    Paul was important because he taught people about Christ in the first century. He spread the gospel, and continuous to effect religion.
    -Paul originally wanted to arrest Jesus but after being blinded then having his sight returned by this guy Ananias. afterward he dedicated himself to spreading the word
    -13 books in the new testament are supposedly about/made by Paul
    -Paul's epistles where something that greatly helped characterize Christianity
    - helped to establish a church in the roman empire
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome (64 AD)

    Great Fire of Rome (64 AD)
    The great fire of Rome was a devastation but was used by Nero to get the blame of himself, he basically used Christians as a scapegoat, this resulted in persecution/hate of Christians.
    -This was considered believable because christian homes weren't as damaged as some other places.
    -There are multiple accounts and opinions.
    -Some felt the fire was a accident.
    -Out of the 14 districts only 4 survived.
  • 155

    Perpetua (155 AD)

    Perpetua (155 AD)
    Perpetua wrought a book during her imprisonment to the Romans, this book encourages Christians to put belief in god over there family.
    -she was killed at Carthage
    -was pregnant during imprisonment
    -The book is called "the passion of Saint Perpetuna, Saint Felicitas, and their companions.
    -She was imprisoned with also pregnant slave named Felicity.
  • 312

    Constantine the Great (312 AD)

    Constantine the Great (312 AD)
    Constantine was an emperor, that after success in a battle, created the Edict of Milan.
    -Constantine actually did this after having a vision "In this sign you will conquer" with a cross in the clouds
    -he painted what was at that time Christs name on the shields of his warriors
    -Later in his rule he slowly began to favor Christians
    -The edict of Milan was in a lot of ways a thank you from Constantine
  • 312

    Edict of Milan (312 AD)

    Edict of Milan (312 AD)
    The Edict of Milan is especially important because it allowed Christians to practice their religion in Rome freely.
    -It was it was supported by Constantine and three other emperors that ruled at the same time
    -It is arguably the first religious freedom to exist
    -they could found churches and worship freely
    -With in you couldn't be persecuted
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge (312 AD)

    Battle of Milvian Bridge (312 AD)
    Not only was this the battle that caused Constantine to convert to Christianity but it is also what caused to Edict of Milan to exist in the first place.
    -the battle was between Constantine and Maximums
    -its was more or less a battle about who would rule Rome
    -people believe it was a divine sign from god that allowed this to happen
    -It was named after a bridge across the Tiber named, get this, Milvain Bridge
  • 389

    Emperor Theodosius (381 AD)

    Emperor Theodosius (381 AD)
    Theodosius was took away Constantine's Edict of Milan and started to persecute pagans the stop of the Edict of Milan makes this particularly important
    -(389-391 AD) he Issued “Theodosius degrees” banning paganism
    -was last emperor t rule whole empire
    - In beginning of rule he supported paganism but after awhile tried to snuff them out
    - he also destroyed a lot of pagan temples