63 BCE
Roman Rule of Israel
Was a period between 63 BC and 476 AD where Roman had control of Israel. During the Roman eastern campaign Pompey, a Roman General, conquered Jerusalem and Israel in 63 BC. During this time Rome finial recognized Judaism as a real religion. Around 476 AD after a long chain of revolts and the incoming fail of Rome, Israel became independent. -
Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the godlike figure of Christianity. He was born in 4 BCE. Most Christians believe that he is the incarnation of god. He was crucified in 30 AD by Rome as he was becoming a powerful political leader that threatened the empire. He became a very important part in Christianity and the bible. -
Paul of Tarsus
Born in 5 AD, Paul the Apostle taught the gospel of Christ to the first-century world. He is considered one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age and he founded many churches in Asia and Europe. He took advantage of him being a Jew and Roman citizen so he appealed to many. He was dedicated to to persecuting the early disciples of Jesus in the Jerusalem area. He died in 64 AD. -
Great Fire of Rome
A fire that happened in Rome in July of 64 AD. The fire began in the merchant shops around the Circus Maximus on the night of the 19th. After 6 days of burning the fire was finally under controlled but reignited and burned for another 3 days. 2 thirds of rome was burned down. It was thought to of been started by Nero, the Roman emperor at the time, but he blamed it on the christians. On July 28 the fires finally stopped. -
Perpetua was born in 181 AD, and was a Christian Martyr. She wrote a journal recounting her trail in which she was accused of being christian and was imprisoned and tried. She was killed in a coliseum. -
Constantine the Great
Constantine the Great was a Roman emperor that ruled from 306 AD to 337 AD. He was born in Naissus on February 27, 306 AD and died May 22, 337 Ad at the age of 65. As a emperor he applied administrative, financial, social, and military reforms that helped strengthen the empire. -
Great Persecution of 303 CE
In 303 CE the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. The emperor, Diocletian, issued a series of edicts to restrict Christian rights and restrict religious practices. It ended at 313 CE when peace was brought by Galerius. The amount of deaths is unknown but many christians were thrown into being a gladiators and died in the coliseum and Circus Maximus. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
The Battle of Milvian Bridge took place between the Roman emperors Constantine 1 and Maxentius. It happened on October 28, 312 AD. It happened at Ponte Milivio, Rome. It ended in a decisive Constantine victory. -
Edict of Milan
It was a letter signed by Constantine the Great and Licinius. The letter proclaimed religious toleration in the Roman Empire. This letter stopped the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. -
Emperor Theodosius
Emperor Theodosius or Theodosius the 1st was a roman emperor from 379 AD to 395 AD and was the last emperor to rule east and west halves of the roman empire. He was born on January 11, 347 AD and died on January 17, 395. He was known for campaigning against Goths and Barbarians.