63 BCE
Roman Rule of Israel
After the Romans had taken control of Israel during the first century, Jewish citizens were allowed to and free to continue practicing their religion under Roman rule. However the were upsets a Jews were banished from Rome but were allowed to return later under a different Emperor. After long periods of mistreatment by the Romans a Rebellion revolted in 66 CE and resulted in the Romans destroying the Temple in Jerusalem and taxes that were once payed for this went to the Romans. -
Paul of Tarsus
Paul was one of the leaders in the first generation of Christians and is often considered the second most important person after Jesus in Christian history. Throughout his struggles he wrote many letters that have survived and influence Christianity, this is what makes him one of the most influential religious leaders in history. He died between 62 and 64 CE -
Jesus of Nazareth
He is the foundation of Christianity, after being born by Mary a virgin. He grew up in a church and began preaching gods word at age 12. He died for the sins of humanity, to give them a clean slate. -
The Great Fire of Rome
An Urban fire that occurred in July 64. Most homes at the time were made with wood which made them susceptible to fire very easily, one night a fire broke out. It is said to have started in the shops at the Circus Maximus. Many died trying to save others and some were even encouraging the flames, its debated whether they were looters or were as they say "Following orders". As soon as the fire seemed to have ended, it flared up again and by the end of it most of the city was gone. -
A christian woman who wrote an account of her trial and imprisonment. Her texts are some of the only surviving texts that old written by a woman. The text speaks about her trial and her father begging her to give up her christian identity, most of the text however is about her dreams that offered her visions of entry into heaven. She was born is 182 and died in 203 -
Great Persecution of 303 CE
Diocletian the Roman Emperor in control at the time commanded the creation of his first "Edict against the Christians". This ordered the destruction of Christian texts, places of worship and the ability to assemble. This lasted until 311 CE -
Constantine the Great
Constantine came to power in 306 and realized the empire of Rome had become far to large for any one man to rule and split it into a tetrachy which essentially split the empire into 4 parts. N, S, E, W. Constantine remained in control of the East. Before a major battle in the civil war Constantine had seen a cross in the sky, under it said In Hoc Signo Vinae and the following night had a dream where Jesus came to him and said to carry the cross into battle. He won the battle the next morning. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
This was the final battle between two warring emperors (Constantine and Maxentius) and the battle that influenced Constantines support of Christianity. The battle took place at Milvian Bridge and important route over the Tiber river. Constantine had decisive victory over Maxentius and became the sole ruler of Rome -
Edict of Milan
Established Christianity as a tolerated religion. -
Emperor Theodosius
Theodosius ruled from 379 CE to 392 CE and was the sole ruler of East and West Rome. His first task he carried out as Emperor was the rebuilding of Romes military. He campaigned against Goths, Barbarians and other such groups that had invaded the empire. Eventually however, treaties were made when he realized they weren't going anywhere and would have to coexist.