63 BCE
Roman Rule of Israel
The Jewish didn't like this rule of Israel. Mattahias Antigonous made an attempt to bring back the Hasmonean dynasty, after a Hasmonean king was appointed by the Romans. His defeat+death ended the kings dynasty. Another king took rule. After this though Roman administrators took rule and the Jewish were enslaved. Worshiping places like Jerusalem were burned/destroyed. -
Jesus of Nazerath
He began as a Jewish leader. Jesus was called different names throughout different parts of his life (Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of Galilee, or Christ). His life began in Palestine. Jesus also has no written records. Finally, this area was under Roman control (Palestine). -
1 CE
Perpetua was a follower of the Christian religion, in Carthage Africa. She was in a group of disciples. It diversified the Christian religion, because she was born into a wealthy family, and some disciples were slaves. They were arrested for being christian by the Romans. Perpetua was baptized in a prison. Perpetua's follower still didn't follow the Christian religion. Multiple visions, and talks led to Perpetua escaping from prison, and doing many great things, supposedly from god. -
Paul of Tarsus
He started his life as wanting to kill Christians. He's thought of as one of the churches best saints. He was born into a Jewish family and lived a large part of his life as Jewish. Jesus electrocuted Saul, and his disciple told him to believe in him, and get baptized. Paul then went on a journey spreading Christianity. He was later executed by the Roman king Nero. -
Great Fire of Rome
Nero was away when the fire happened. 2/3rd s of Rome was gone from the fire.There is a bit of evidence for Nero doing the fire but historians are not 100% sure in general. Archaeologists, historians, and contemporary fire investigators all investigate into who started/had to do with the fire. Nero blamed the fire on Christians, who he hated. -
Great Persecution
Many worshiping places of Christians were destroyed. Many Christians were executed. It was started by the emperor Galerius. It ended in 311 AD. Christians were allowed to build their churches again after it ended if they prayed for the emperor who was dieing. They were punished in many extremely abusive ways. -
He was the first Christian emperor, who was in the fourth century. He protected Christians and converted to Christianity right before his death (337CE) He was born into a military family. He became Christian when he had a vision that told him to put a christian symbol on his soldiers shields. He was buried in a church -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
This battle was the one where Constantine put the cross on his soldiers shields. The battle was caused from an argument between Constantine and Maxentius over the western portion of the empire. Constantine fought with his favored relative for the position of emperor. Maxentius was appointed to emperor while Constantine was appointed to junior emperor. Constantine won another battle they went two; outnumbered by a times margin. He became emperor. -
Edict of Milan
It was a rule for accepting Christianity just like any other religion. It was an agreement by Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius. It also gave Christians the right to construct churches. It also gave Christians property they had been confiscated of, and stopped the violence toward them. -
He made the religion of Rome Christianity. He is criticized for using immoral measures to impose Christianity.He died from a vascular disease. He wasn't unreasonable to the pagans at the beginning of his ruling, partially for financial reasons. He was very focused on the economy and kept his attention on whichever empire was relevant.