Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus of Nazareth is also known as Christ, he was and still is a religious leader, mainly for Christianity but also for Muslims and other widely known beliefs. Christ believed inner values have much more worth than one's outward appearance. Jesus of Nazareth also has no written record, meaning the gospel was spread through stories and voices. Christ was born near where Palestine is now and assumed to be a carpenter because that was his father's career. He died about 30 CE. -
Paul of Tarsus
Paul was one of Jesus's Apostles. He was formally known as Saul before being converted on the road to Damascus. People believed he was one of the most important people after Jesus. He traveled thousands of miles to spread the gospel and share the news of Jesus. He was a huge part in influencing the Christain theology! -
Roman Rule of Israel (begins)
The Roman took the power of Jerusalem (Israel) by defeating King Judaea in 37 CE. After many long battles, Emperor Titus took over Israel, in what we think was about 70 CE. This was called the Siege of Jerusalem. The Romans destroyed much of the temple and supposedly took artifacts like a Menorah. -
The Great Fire Of Rome
On July 18, 64 CE the city of Rome was sent up into flames, due to poorly constructed wooden buildings. The fire occurred in the Circus Maximus, the capital of Rome. All the people blamed Nero, the emperor at the time, stating he was justing fiddling around. When really Ner blamed a new colt, Christianity! No one knows who did what, but the fire burned for 6 days before being extinguished. Ten of the fourteen of Rome's districts were burned! The fire was put out on July 23, 64 CE. -
Perpetua is a Christian Martyr and helped spread the Christain colt throughout northern Africa (Rome's territory). She is known for her recorded diary entries about her last days before being persecuted by Roman officials for believing in Christianity. She spent her last days being held hostage in jail. She even tried to lie her way out of jail! -
Constantine the Great
Constantine was a Roman Emperor. In fact, he was the first Christain Roman Emperor. He changed the church greatly and spread the gospel across the Roman nation. Constantine helped create the Edict of Milan. He started to believe in the Christian faith after he saw the angels appear in the sky telling him the future! He was an extremely strong leader and showed the people of Rome equality he eventually died of a terminal illness. (an unknown date) -
Great Persecution of 303 CE
The Great Persecution is was the last and most intense persecution of the new colt, Christianity. It is assumed that approximately 3,000 or more Christians were killed! Christians were killed because they did not make a sacrifice to the Roman gods because they cannot forsake their own God! For this reason, Decius decided to execute Christians. This was the largest executions of Christians during this era! -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
On October 28, 312 CE the battle of the Milvian Bridge started and ended! This was the great battle between Constantine and his rival Maxentius, his brother-in-law! They fought over the Tiber river until Constantine won and then became the master of Rome.This battle was important because this is when Constantine and his troops experienced the presence of the Christain God. This event leads to Constantine writing the Edict of Milan which changed history forever! -
Edict of Milan
The Edict of Milan was one of the greatest events to help spread Christianity! It is a Roman document that supports Roman citizens to freely worship whoever they desire too! Especially Christians because before this document Christianity was a colt and not permitted into the Roman culture! The Edict of Milan was signed by Licinius and Constantine, the current Roman emperors! They restored churches and ended all the Christain persecutions! -
Emperor Theodosius
Theodosius was the last emperor to rule Rome before it split into 2! He made Christianity the main religion of Rome by publishing Edict of Thessalonica. He also helped stop the persecution of Christians! He also rebelled against Goths and other barbarians because he didn't want them to invade his empire!