Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus of Nazareth was able to spread Christianity by traveling and preaching to others. He was able to gather those who believed in Christianity as well, who went along and helped him. These people were known as disciples. Jesus and his disciples traveled and preached to others until Romans saw Jesus as a threat. They arrested him and sentenced him to death. Though he died, his disciples stayed faithful and kept spreading the word. -
Roman Rule of Israel
Before Christianity had risen, the people of Israel hoped someone could save them from the harsh rule of the Romans. They had wanted to make Israel into a separate Jewish kingdom. A man named Jesus had gone around and preached the word of God, and overtime he gathered followers or disciples. These disciples went around and preached alongside Jesus until he was crucified. After his crucifixion, they continued to spread the word. -
The Great Fire of Rome
The Great Fire of Rome had burned in the cities of Rome for 6 days. Many people believed that Nero, a Roman emperor, had started the fire. Nero had wanted to start from scratch and create a new empire and when he didn't get what he wanted, he had blamed the Christians for the fire. While others believe Nero started the fire, nowadays people believe it was due to the poor construction of Roman buildings. Never the less, when Rome had stopped burning, around 70% of the city was destroyed. -
Paul of Tarsus
Paul of Tarsus was a major influence on spreading Christianity throughout the Western World. He had written 13 of 27 books from the Bible and is also apart of the Acts of Apostles. Paul had traveled thousands of miles, spreading Christianity throughout the Mediterranean. -
Perpetua was a Christian noblewoman who had lived with her family during the third century. She had left behind a diary that let people see some of the things that went on during her life. She had been arrested due to being a Christian, so her father had visited her and told her to deny she was Christian. She could not deny that she was due to her faith in the religion. She was later killed by a sword. -
Great Persecution of 303 CE
The Great Persecution was a persecution of the Christians that had lasted eight years. The Emporer at the time, Diocletian, had wanted to wipe out the Christians so that others could believe in the "old gods". The Christians had suffered during these times being thrown into dungeons, tortured, or even put to death. Diocletian had also loved to try an take Christians and convert them back into the Roman religion, they could do this by making different sacrifices to the Gods or even the Emporer. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
Constantine the Great had fought in the Battle of Milvian Bridge. Constantine had claimed that he was guided by God himself to win the battle. He says he was told to use the cross against his enemies, so he put the symbol on the soldier's shields. -
Edict of Milan
The Edict of Milan was a key part of Christianity being able to grow in the Roman Empire. Before the Edict was created, Christianity was banned in Rome and practiced "illegally". The Edict of Milan was created to make the practice of Christianity legal in Rome. It's acceptance allowed Christianity to spread throughout the empire. -
Constantine the Great
Constantine the Great was a Roman Emporer who later helped spread Christianity; while he had helped spread Christianity, it was also one of the reasons he was able to rise to power. Constantine had fought the battle at Milivian Bridge under the name of God and claimed he followed him to victory. After his victory, he had helped make Christianity legal and had also devoted his faith to Christianity. Others had started to do the same after they had heard what happened at battle, creating a spread. -
Emperor Theodosius
Theodosius was a Roman Emporer from year 379 to 395, his reign had ended when he died early January of 395. He was able to help spread Christianity before he died. Emperor Theodosius had turned Christianity into Nicene Christianity. He did this with the Edict of Thessalonica, which created Christianity into an official religion of Rome.