Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

  • 753 BCE

    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)

    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)
    In 753 BC It was said that twins Romulus and Remus were the founders of Rome. As children, they were separated from their parents and were raised by wolves. They grew strong and eventually began doing things. Eventually, a town was build and they wanted to name it different things so they fought to the death and Romus won creating Rome.
  • 4 BCE

    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Paul of Tarsus was born in Tarsus turkey and around the year 4 BCE and died around 62-64 AD. Paul of Tarsus was originally called Saint Paul or Saul of Tarsus. Paul of Tarsus was one of the 12 apostles chosen by Jesus Christ to go and spread the word of god. Before this Paul of Tarsus Persecuted the Christians and killed many but eventually was blinded by God and then his vision was restored 3 days later and he converted to Christianity
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus Christ of Nazerth

    Jesus Christ of Nazerth
    Jesus was said to be born on December 25 of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem and his earthly father was a carpenter named Joseph. Before he was born an angel came to Mary and told her she was to birth the child of God and she shall name him Jesus. Jesus performed many miracles such as healing many, raising the dead and transforming food or liquids into more or something else. Jesus was persecuted against and was crucified on the cross at around the age of 33 and rose from the dead 3 days later.
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    On July 19, 64 Ce a huge fire broke out in Rome starting in the extremely large Circus Maximus. The large fire was distinguished 6 days later on July 25, 64 and burnt 10 out of the 14 of Rome's districts. The fire was believed to be caused by the infamous emperor Nero, but he blamed the Christians.
  • 181


    Perpetua was born in the year 181 and died in 203. Perpetua was a woman was a Christian martyr who wrote The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity. This was a journal that spoke about her trial and imprisonment. At the age of 22 Perpetua was killed in the year 203 by decapitation.
  • 272

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Constantine the Great was born February 27, 272 A.D, during the year 305 his father became the emperor of the Western Roman Empire. After his father's death, Constantine fought to receive the emperor position and eventually he too became the Western Roman emperor in 312 and became the Sole emperor of Rome in 324. Before the Milvian bridge battle, Constantine saw a cross of light in the sky that said In hoc sign vinces which meant In this sign conquer.
  • 303

    The Great Persecution of 303

    The Great Persecution of 303
    The Great Persecution of 303 lasted for about 8 years, and this persecution was run by Diocletian. Diocletian wanted the Christians gone and he loved to get a hold of the main church leaders. He wanted to rid the Christians by turning them back to their previous religion paganism. Diocletian also destroyed the churches and it was a very hard time for the Christians
  • 312

    Battle of the Milvian Bridge

    Battle of the Milvian Bridge
    The Battle of the Milian bridge began on October 28, 312 and was between Maxentius and Constantine I. Before the battle had begun Constantine was a pagan monotheist but before he went into battle with his men they saw a message in the sky which said In hoc signo vinces meaning in this sign conquer and Constantine had a dream which told him to use the cross against his enemies. He then transferred to Christianity and made the Edict of Milan in 313
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    The Edict of Milan was a proclamation letter signed by Constantine and Licinius allowing the Christians to worship freely and was put into order in the year 313. This meant they were able to worship without punishment or in public without any persecution. The Edict of Milan was made after the battle of the Milvian bridge. When this EDict was put into order many of the people of Romes began converting to Christianity.
  • 347

    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Theodosius was born on January 11, 347 CE in what is currently Coca, Spain. He began as the Roman Empire of the East from 379 to 392, and later he became the Emperor of both the East and the West until 395 when he died. While he was living he was known largely for his military abilities.