63 BCE
Roman Rule of Israel
Judea was ruled by a Roman procurator who managed Judea’s political and military affairs. The Romans wanted to conquer Israel because if they did then they could conquer parts of Asia and more of Europe. Romans allowed Israel to practice their religion as long as they paid their taxes and kept peace. The people of Israel did not have to join the Romans army. Ten years after Herod's death Judea came under direct Roman administration. In 66 AD the Jewish Romans wars began. -
Jesus of Nazareth
He was a religious leader that christians believed is the reincarnation of God. After he got crucified his followers believed he rose from the dead three days later. Christians celebrate Easter because of his resurrection. Christians believe that a girl named Mary gave birth to him. The birth of Jesus is celebrated on December 25 as Christmas. Jesus taught Jews how best to follow God. -
Paul of tarsus
He taught the gospel of Christ to people. He is considered one of the most important figures in the apostolic world. He was a Jew and a Roman citizen so he taught Jews and Roman citizens. 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament were about Paul's life. He was active as a missionary for a while. For half of his life he was a member of the Pharisees.
Ended in 64AD -
The Great fire of Rome
The Great Fire of Rome was the biggest fire in Rome at the time. The fire began in near the merchant shops around the chariot stadium. 2/3 of Rome was destroyed. The fire was under control after 6 days. The fire reignited 3 days later. Nero was accused of starting this fire because he tried to rebuild Rome right after the fire ended. -
She was a christian martyr who wrote The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity. She was arrested for being Christian.She refused to renounce her faith. On the day of her scheduled death she gave her diary away. Perpetua's diary was read annually in Carthage at churches. She was decapitated. Ended in 203 -
The Great Persecution of 303CE
It was the last persecution of Christians in Rome, but it was also the most severe one. Multiple different emperor demanded that Christians follow traditional religious practices. The emperors prior to Diocletian did not want to issue laws about Christianity. The emperor Diocletian killed every christian that was in the army. Over 3,000 Christians died during this time. Christians weren’t legally equal until Constantine became emperor. -
Constantine The Great
He was the first Roman emperor to become christian. He was previously a Pagan. He reconstructed the government, he separated the civil and military authorities. He made solidus( gold coins) to try and get rid of inflation. He built a imperial residence in Istanbul and named it after himself. He called the first Council of Nicaea in 325. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
It was a battle between Constantine 1 and Maxentius. Constantine won the battle. After Constantine won the battle he stopped the tetrarchy. Maxentius ended drowning in the Tiber River. When the Romans found Maxentius’s body in the river they got it out of the water and cut off his head. The next day they rode through the town with his head. The arch of Constantine was built to celebrate the victory. -
Edict of Milan
The Edict of Milan is a proclamation that granted religious toleration. The Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius agreed to change the policies about Christians. They emperors had to give the Christians back their land. Christians now had the right to gather in places like churches. Everyone in Rome could now worship whoever they wanted legally. There had been other edict like this before but all of them failed to effectively establish religious rights -
Emperor Theodosius
He was the last Roman emperor to rule over the eastern and western halves of Rome. He campaigned against people who invaded Rome. He did not have enough resources to get the invaders out of Rome. He let the invaders live in Rome and establish their own kingdoms inside Rome. He made the invaders help out with the army. Because of the invaders Romans had trouble guarding the borders. Ended in 395