Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

  • 37 BCE

    Start of the Roman Rule in Isreal

    Start of the Roman Rule in Isreal
    -Herod was appointed a Roman king in Israel
    -Titus took over Israel for the Roman Empire
    -Jews and Christains were persecuted in this area
  • Period: 1 CE to 36

    Jesus of Nazareth

    -Created Christianity
    -Went around spreading love and kindness
    -Was a real person
    -Was killed by the Romans for not worshopping Roman Gods
    -His death made Constantine see that he wanted to be Christian
  • Period: 2 to 67

    Paul of Tarsus

    -Was a persecuter of Christains
    -Converted to Christianity
    -Was born Saul of Tarsus
    -Was an apostole of Jesus
    -Preached the Gospel after Jesus died
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    -Started around the Circus Maximus
    - Destroyed 2/3 of Rome
    -Christians were blamed for the fire
    -Emperor Nero was rumored to have started it
    -The fire burned for 5 days
  • Period: 182 to 203


    -Was a christian martyr
    -Wrote the Passion of the Saints
    -Passion of the Saints was a diary of her imprisonment and persecution for being christain
    -Lived in Carthage
    -Was the first Christain Martyr
  • Period: 280 to 337

    Constantine the Great

    -Ended persecution of Christians within Rome
    -Made Christianity the main religion of Rome
    -Moved Rome's capital to Constantinople in Asia Minor
    -Converted to Christianity on his deathbed
    -Created the Edict of Milan
  • 303

    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    -A long persecution of Christians
    -As many as 3,500 people were publicly executed
    -Was participated in by many emperors
    -Christian rights were taken away through many edicts
    -Was the final and most extreme persecution
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    -Was a battle between the armies of Roman Emperors Constantine and Maxentius
    -The bridge was placed on an important trade route along the river Tiber
    -Was won by Constantine's army
    -Maxentius' head was paraded around Rome and sent to carthage
    -Both armies were close in strength
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    -Was a letter to the Christians saying that their religion was now allowed
    -Signed by emperors Constantine and Licinius
    -Was disagreed upon from Romans who didn't like Christianity
    -Ended persecution of Christians
    -Apologised to Christians for past persecution
  • Period: 341 to 395

    Emperor Theodosius

    -Solved Rome's problem with Gothic barbarians
    -Was the last Emperor to rule both East and West Rome
    -Suppressed paganism extremely
    -Unified the Roman Empire
    -Was praised by many Christians