Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

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    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus of Nazareth also known as JesusChrist was known as a religious leader. He is one of the most important figures in the Christianity religion. Most Christians believe that he is the son of god.
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    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    The Great Fire of Rome was a dreadful fire that started on July 19 and ended on July 23. The fire started at night near the merchant shops close to Rome's chariot stadium and the Circus Maximus. Romans believed that the Christians started this fire to send a message saying they shouldn't be punished or killed for believing in Christianity.
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    Roman Rule of Israel (Begins)

    Roman Rule of Israel (Begins)
    Roman Rule of Israel, was a time were Roman emperors would go and takedown a city or place that was practicing/believed in a different religion other than believing in Roman gods/goddesses
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    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Paul of Tarsus or also known as Saint Paul. Saint Paul was a man who taught christ and helped people believe in Christianity and made sure he helps anyone who wanted to get into the religion of Christianity.
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    Perpetua was a Christian woman who died because she believed in Christianity. She was killed with other Christians in Carthage Rome. She had a journal that she would write in stating everything that happened to her leading to her death.
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    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    The Great Persecution of 303 CE, was a time in Rome where Christians would be punished if they were caught practicing Christianity. If the Christians were ever caught practicing Christianity they would be killed in severe ways, such as burning them alive or decapitation. If Christians wanted to practice Christianity they would have to meet secretly with one another and take the risk of being caught and killed. It was later made legal to practice without any punishment.
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    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    The Battle of Milvian Bridge was a battle between Roman emperors and Italy. This bridge was an important route during this time. After the roman emperors won this battle this meant the rise of Christianity and the emperors would make sure everyone in Rome would know about Christianity.
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    The Edict of Milan was a document signed by Roman emperors stating that there would be a stop to the persecution of Christians in Rome.
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Constantine The Great, was the first Roman emperor. Constantine made the religion Christianity one of the most popular religion once it was allowed to be practiced and shown and not in secret. Constantine got a lot of hate for being a Christian but, once Christianity started to get popular in Rome, Romans gave him their respect and became one of the most popular Roman emperors.
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    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Emperor Theodosius was a Roman emperor. He ruled over the time span of 379-395 and he was the last emperor to rule over the western and eastern halves of Rome. He excepted being Christian and was proud and tried to do whatever he could to make the religion Christianity more popular.