“Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire”

  • 4 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    -the central figure of Christianity they believe he is the incarnation of God the Son
    -Jesus born into a family from a village called Nazareth, near the Sea of Galilee.As he was growing up, Judaea was collapsing into chaos.
    -Christianity teaches that Jesus is the Messiah told in the old Testament and the Son of God.
    -Christians believe that through his death and resurrection, humans are promise eternal life.
    - Jesus grew up in Nazareth from some point in his childhood.
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    Great Fire Of Rome

    Great Fire Of Rome
    • People believe that Nero began the fire and used the Christians as scapegoats.
    • Nero had some Christians thrown to the beast and burned alive
    • the fire started in the enormous Circus Maximus stadium -When the fire was finally extinguished six days later, 10 of Rome's 14 districts were burned. -Nero wanted to completely destroy the city so he could build a new palace. -Nero blamed the Christians for this tragedy
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    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    -He taught the gospel of Christianity to the first century world.
    -He took advantage of his status as both a Jew and a Roman citizen minister to both Jewish and Roman audiences.
    -had enormous influence on Christian theology, especially on the relationship between God the Father and Jesus
    - he traveled tens of thousands of miles around the Mediterranean spreading the word of Jesus
    - Paul was dedicated to persecuting the early disciples of Jesus in the area of Jerusalem prior to his conversion
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    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)

    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)
    -first Jewish
    -Roman war
    -The battle was put down by the Roman Emperors Vespasian and Titus
    - In the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the Romans destroyed much of the Temple in Jerusalem
    - plundered artifacts from the Temple, such as the Menorah.
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    -was a young woman of noble birth. She was twenty-two, a wife, a mother of a young son and a Christian
    - Perpetua was one of five Christians condemned to death in the arena.
    -helped strengthen and grow the numbers in the church.
    -She died in March 7, 203 AD
    -Christian martyrs of the 3rd century.
  • 303

    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    -Great Persecution was the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire.
    -the Emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Galerius, and Constantius issued a series of edicts rescinding Christians' legal rights and demanding that they comply with traditional religious practices.
    -3,000−3,500 Christians were executed under the authority of Imperial edicts.
    -Diocletian started the Great persecution
    -The great persecution lasted two years.
    - The great persecution ended in April 30, 311
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    -Constantine was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity.
    -He played a very important role in the proclamation of the Edict of Milan in 313, which declared religious tolerance for Christianity in the Roman empire.
    -Constantine the Great died from a terminal illness
    -His birth name was Flavius Valerius Constantinus.
    - He died in May 22, 337, Ancyrona, near Nicomedia, Bithynia
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    • took place between the Roman Emperors Constantine I and Maxentius -outside Rome was a crucial moment in a civil war that ended with Constantine -The Roman Empire and Christianity established as the empire's official religion.
    • an important route over the Tiber. -Maxentius came out to fight and was destroyed at the Milvian Bridge, which carried the Via Flaminia over the Tiber into the city.
    • Eusebius of Caesarea recounts that Constantine and his soldiers had a vision sent by a Christian God.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    -The Edict of Milan was a letter signed by the Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius
    -proclaimed religious toleration in the Roman Empire.
    - stopped the persecution of Christians.
    -Constantine and Licinius declaring the practice of Christianity legal in the Roman empire Emperor Constantine's tolerance
    - allowed acceptance for Christianity paved the way for its rapid spread throughout the Roman empire and Europe.
    -Constantine became a Christian after he won the war.
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    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    -He reunited the Eastern and Western Roman Empire, but was the last emperor of both parts of the empire.
    -After his death, the two parts split permanently.
    - Made emperor because of his military abilities, he settled the long-standing Gothic problem by allowing the Goths to settle South of the Danube as allies of Rome.
    -emperor Theodosius issued the Edict of Thessalonica, which made Christianity, the official religion of the Roman Empire.
    -He died on Jan. 17, 395