100718 49 ancient history rome roman christianity

Rise of Christianity in Rome

By 85884
  • 33

    jesus of nazareth 4AD_33CE

    jesus of nazareth 4AD_33CE
    Spread the message of Christianity and was executed.
  • 64

    paul of tarsus 2AD _ 64CE

    paul of tarsus 2AD _ 64CE
    Paul was a follower of Jesus Christ
  • 64

    great fire of Rome:

    great fire of Rome:
    destroyed two thirds of Rome starting with circus maximus
  • 70

    roman rule of Israel 66-70 CE

    roman rule of Israel  66-70 CE
    Jewish Roman wars began and Romans destroyed much of Jerusalem
  • 303

    the great persecution 303CE

    the great persecution 303CE
    Christians were killed because of their believes
  • 312

    battle of milvian bridge october 28 312 ce

    battle of milvian bridge october 28 312 ce
    battle of milvian bridge october 28 312 ce
  • 313

    Edict of milan-313 ce

    Edict of milan-313 ce
    stopped the romans from killing the christians. christianity was now a free religion.
  • 337

    Constantine the great ruled 306 to 337 CE

    Constantine the great ruled 306 to 337 CE
    the first roman christian emperor