Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus spread the idea of Christianity through Israel. Crowds would gather to listen to him preach and perform miracles. After he was crucified, his disciplines spread his message. -
Paul of Tarsus
He was an apostle Paul believed God sent him to convert non-Jews. He spread Jesus's message after Jesus's death. He helped set up Christian churches and also helped separate Christianity from Judaism. -
Roman rule of Israel begins.
Roman forces conquered Judea and made the Jewish people could still practice their religion. -
The Great Fire of Rome
The fire destroyed 70% of the city while Nero was emperor. Looters stole goods from shops. It lasted 6 days. -
She was a young Christian mother from Carthage who was imprisoned for her beliefs. She was killed in an arena and became a Christian martyr. -
Great Persecution
Roman rulers were afraid that Christians were against them so they arrested and excluded 1,000"S -
Constantine the Great
He was a general and emperor -He sew a vision of the cross before winning in battle and this made him believe in Christianity. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
It was a battle between Constantine and Maxentius over the Tiber River. Constantine won and got control of the Western Roman Empire. -
Edict of Milan
The letter by roman emperors giving religions freedom. -
Emperor Theodosius
The last emperor of western and eastern Roman Empire-He made Christianity the official religion.