Rise Of Christianity

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    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    -in his thirty's he was baptized and become a preacher and started spreading his own message
    -He said he was the son of God and that offended many people
    -His message seemed very popular it was also a new idea which excited many people
    -He wrecked the stalls of the moneylenders and drove them all out of the temple this made him a troublemaker.
    -To the Christians, however, he was a martyr and it was soon clear that the execution had made Judaea even more unstable.
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    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    -Once killed so may Christians, but then became known as one of the best Saints
    -Became Christian because he said that Jesus talked to him through a light
    -Traveled to many different city's to tell people all about Christianity.
    -We celebrate the day he became a christian and it's called converting
    -Was an ambassador for people who didn't know about Jesus life story
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    Roman Rule of Israel

    Roman Rule of Israel
    -They were in control of Israel and that is where Christianity began
    -This made it easier for Christianity to spread
    -With more people practicing Christianity
    -Roman law gave people certain rights
    -Ruling gave Rome more opportunities to move between different locations.
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    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    -A fire that burned most of Rome down to the ground and lasted three days long
    -People believe that Nero started the fire so that he could level the city and then rebuild it his way
    -Nero then blamed Christians for the fire starting
    -Another theory is that the Christians believed that a destructive force was going to happen
    -Some believe a christian started the fire so that their theory would come true
    [Link text] https://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/great-fire-rome-background/1446/
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    -She was a young mother who followed Christianity
    -She then was arrested for violation of the law that forbids people to convert to Christianity
    -She was with 5 other people and they were tried and refused to convert so they were sentenced to death in the arena
    -She began a diary and in it wrote about her life imprisoned and how her father tired to convert her to have her set free
    -Finally she died after being attacked by wild beasts she finally dies giving into the sword.
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    -Known as the first Roman Empire to convert to Christianity
    -Constantine built many Christian churches and even one of the greatest churches
    -He believed to have a vision from the Christian god to convert and it would give him unusual power if he did
    -He also believed it would give him the greatest kingdom in the world if he followed through with this vision.
    -Constantine made Christianity the official religion of Rome in 324
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    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    -Christianity began to spread like a wildfire through Rome
    -In 303 a law was passed outlawing other faiths
    -Those who did not follow this were subject to imprisonment
    -The another law was passed making all people sacrifice to the emperor and most Christians refused to do so
    -Christian churches were destroyed and their sculptures burned
    -We do not know exactly how many were killed
    -Galerius terminated it with edict of toleration admitting is was a failure
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    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    -Winning the Battle of Milvian Bridge cemented Christianity’s place as an official religion.
    - each of the three regions was assigned to a separate dominus and all of them together ruled the enormous empire.
    -the victory at Milvian Bridge has been associated with the accession of Constantine and the triumph of Christianity
    -He had one of the biggest victories for Christians known
    -This was so important because it was when Christianity was no longer another religion
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    -Proclamation that made Christianity permanently tolerable in Rome
    -This proclamation made it so Christians could have their rights and follow their religion without fear
    -This also allowed Christians to build churches
    -Other Edicts were short lived however this one lasted
    -Parts of this degree were posted throughout eastern parts of the empire
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    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    -Used his power to enforce Christianity, but placed his power under the church
    -Accepted Christian baptism when he was very sick
    -For the first time, a secular ruler submitted to the church
    -Theodosius ended his reign by defeating political enemies in the West
    -He stood alone as emperor of a once-more united empire