legal to shoot aboriginals
26 may 1804 It was legal to shoot aboriginals -
work riot
31 Oct 1827 In 31th of October 1827, the first work riot had occurred due to the condition and food deprivation in Parramatta Female Factory. This riot had led women to work at better conditions and get respected -
the first Australian suffrage societey
Henrietta dugdale and Annie lowe formed the victorian womans suffarage society -
White Australia Policy 5 Sep 1901
he government introduces the White Australia policy, trying to ban all non-Caucasian people from entering the country. -
not classified as citizens
1 jan 1902Aboriginals were -
Australian women receive the vote
commonwealth Franchise act passed enabling all women to stand for federal parliament and vote -
Women in Tasmania29 Feb 1904
29 Feb 1904 Tasmanian women won an equal right with men to vote in elections for the House of Assembly. Women with property were eligible to vote for the Legislative Council and from 29 October 1920 those who served in the 1914-18 war were also eligible to vote for the upper House. An equal right to stand for election to both Houses was won two years later. -
NSW Aborignes Protection act
he NSW Aborigines Protection Act is introduced following crises in public schools. Aboriginal schools are established in NSW. Exclusion of Aboriginal children from public schools followed requests by the white community. In NSW there are 22 Aboriginal schools in 1910, 35 in 1920 and 40 in 1940. -
Aboriginal Population 5 J
aboriginal population is estimated to be at its lowest at 60,000-70,000. It is widely believed to be a 'dying race'. Most Australians have no contact with Aboriginal people due to segregation and social conventions -
first women elected to an Australian parlament
edith cowan became the first woman to be elected to an Astralian parliment. -
1st day women spoke in parliament
26 Aug 1925 thye 26th of august 1925 was a big day for women around Australia, especially in new south wales. this was the day that a woman spoke im Australian Parliament for the first ever time. she was elected for the New South Wales legislative assembly in May 1925. she gave her first speech two weeks after the opening of the parliament.This was a great step for women in Australia. this was the start of equality and the end of sexism. women finally had a representative in parliament. -
Aborigines Act
nder the Aborigines Act, Aboriginal people apply to 'cease being Aboriginal' and have access to the same rights as 'whites'. The Arnhmen Land Reserve is declared. -
aboriginals voted if they were in enrolled in state elections
14 may 1949 the 14 may 1949 the aboriginals voted if they were in enrolled in state elections -
aboriginals can now vote in elections
1 Jan 1962
The aboriginals can now vote in elections -
the same rights
1967the aboriginal had the same rights as white Austrians and they could live anywhere in Australia -
Uluru was handed back to the aboriginal
14 may 1972 aboriginal tent embassy
Uluru was handed back to the aboriginal people -
International women's day
Australia celebrates International Women's Day on 31st August 1975. The Australian Government held the first national conference from 31 August to 6 September in1975 and committed Australia to celebrating International Women's Day with other member nations of the UN. The conference generated a great deal of debate in Australia. During the 1970s, feminism was gaining power as an international social and political movement. It is important to women around the world because they will get human righ -
Australian citizenship
26 Jan 2011 Australian citizenship was created through the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948, and came into effect 26 January 1949, -
Australia's first female prime minister
julia gillard became the first astralian p[rime minister -
Kevin Rudd said sorry to the stolen generation
13 feb 2008
On this date prime minister Kevin Rudd said sorry to the stolen generation