Phpsniskn 600x400 1861 1

Rights of indiginous Australians since federation

By awhits
  • Australian Federation

    Australian Federation
    After many years of trying Australia has finally been federated which has made all laws and restrictions the same all around Australia.
  • Exclusion

    All aboriginals are excluded from the census and from lawmaking powers of the Commonwealth Government.
  • White Australia policy

    White Australia policy
    The white Australia policy has finally been put in place which tries to ban all non-Caucasian from being allowed into Australia.
  • Cherbourg

    The Queensland government establishes Cherbourg, the first Aboriginal community, about 30 km from Gympie.
  • Aboriginal Pensions

    All Australians are guaranteed social security from either old age pensions or Invalid pensions except for all aboriginals.
  • Aboriginal Protection Act

    The aboriginal protection act is formed which means that APB have the right to take aboriginal children from their families to put into mission camps.
  • Conniston Massacre

    31 aboriginals are killed by whites stating that the aboriginals killed a white dingo trapper. A court of inquiry says the Europeans’ actions were ‘justified’. Aborigines are refused legal aid by the Federal Government. Another sign of whites being biased.
  • Voting

    All Aboriginals were finally allowed to vote in the Commonwealth election.
  • Freedom Rides

    A group of Sydney University students tour around NSW to expose horrible living conditions and discrimination against Aboriginal people. Assimilation policy is changed to that of Integration. Which means Aboriginal people entering Australian society have the right to maintain as much of their culture as they would like.
  • Aboriginal services

    Aboriginal Legal Services and Medical Services are set up in Redfern, followed by Aboriginal pre-school, Black Theatre and the Aboriginal Housing Company.
  • Neville Bonner

    Neville Bonner becomes the first Aboriginal member of Parliament when he filled a casual Senate vacancy.
  • White Australia policy finished

    The white Australia policy has finally been abolished by the then new Labour government. Though the white Australia policy was removed in 1973, people had been trying to get rid of it since 1949.
  • Eddie Mabo

    Eddie Mabo
    Eddie Mabo, a passionate campaigner died. He was famous for his work at trying to reclaim indigenous Australian land rights. Now he is recognised as a very important part of getting indigenous Australian rights.
  • National sorry day

    The first national sorry letter is written by the then Prime Minister to say sorry about the earlier generations steeling the aboriginal children to put into camps.
  • Cathy Freeman

    Cathy Freeman
    Cathy Freeman was the very first indigenous Australian to compete in the Olympic Games. She lit the Olympic torch in the 2000 Olympic Games and followed that by getting the gold medal in the 400 metre sprint which made this all the more significant.
  • Aboriginal rights now

    Aboriginal rights now
    Although the aboriginals now have more rights than they used to they are still suffering from our mistakes. Most aboriginals do not own a home and if they do it is not very big. A lot of aboriginals do not have any source of income and there is a lot of domestic violence drug and alcohol problems.