Plaatje christopher human rights

Rights and Freedoms in Australia

  • National Day of Mourning and Protest

  • Jack Pattern Makes Adress

    Jack Pattern makes his adress to the government about the treatment of Aboriginees.
  • United Nations Conference

    Delegates from 50 countries met for the foundation conference for the United Nations, to discuss the organisation for international cooperation.
  • United States General Assembly ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks is arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus to a white person
  • Martin Luther King is arrested for Atlanta Sit-ins

  • Prime Minister Menzies decides to excise land from Yirrkala reserve for mining

  • Petitions from Yolngu people to not be removed from their land on Yirrkala Reserve

  • I Have a Dream Speech, Martin Luther King

  • Civil Rights Bill is enacted outlawing discrimination and ending segregation

  • Australian Freedom Ride

  • Voting Rights Act

    President Lyndon Baines Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act, guaranteeing African Americans the right to vote. The bill made it illegal to impose restrictions on elections that were designed to deny the vote to blacks.
    This meant it made it illegal to impair black people from voting which was common in the Souhern America
    Short Term this meant that all coloured people had the right to vote and long term it meant that coloured people got a fair go as they could vote for someone on their side.
  • Gurindji Walk-Off

    The Gurindji people had been working at cattle stations at Wave Hill for poor wage and they had had enough of it. They held a walk off and got equal wages. Spurred on by this victory they petitioned fpr 1290 square kilometres of land, which they knew as their tribal land. This was denied and it drew a lot of attention and controversy.
  • Australian Referendum

    Referendum amended the Constitution to give the Commonwealth power to make special laws and count Indigenous people in the census.
  • Australian's voted in favour for the 1967 Referendum

  • Gurindji people petitioned for a lease of 1290 square kilometres at Wattie Creek

  • Yolngu People take legal action against mining company Nabalco

  • Aboriginal Tent Embassy Established

    Tent Embassy was established in Canberra to agitate for land rights.
  • Tent Embassy Torn Down

  • Racial Discrimination Act

  • Commonwealth Aboriginal Land Rights Passed

    Commonwealth Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act was passed by Federal Parliament
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Est.

  • Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation was established

  • Mabo decision recognised native title as part of common law

  • Redfern Speech

    In the Year of the World’s Indigenous people Paul Keating delivered a speech (The Redfern speech) formally acknowledging the impact of colonisation, and asked Australians to accept responsibility for allowing inequality to flourish.
  • Bringing them home was released

  • Declaration on the Rights

    Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People was adopted by the United Nations
  • Apology to Australia’s Indigenous peoples was delivered by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd