Rights and Freedoms

  • Period: to

    Stolen Generation

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are
    removed from their families to be brought up in white families or state-run institutions. They become known as the ‘Stolen Generations’.
  • First census after Australian Federation - Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people are not counted

  • Assimilation policy

    – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of mixed
    race are to be assimilated into white society.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights is adopted by the UN

  • US Supreme Court rules segregation in US schools to be unconstitutional

  • Case of Emmett Till

    A 14-year-old Black American boy was murdered for talking
    to a white woman – brings national attention to the issue of race relations in the United States.
  • Nine Black American students try to enrol at the all-white Little Rock Central High School, Arkansas.

    The US army is sent in to enforce their right to attend the school.
  • Freedom Riders

    A mixed group of Black Americans and white Americans ride buses throughout the southern states testing the end of segregation, the group exposes that many southern states are ignoring the rulings of the Supreme Court.
  • Segregationist practices

    Until the 1960s exclude Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from mixing with white people and from holding certain jobs.
  • Dr Martin Luther King Jr 'I have a dream speech'

    The March on Washington in 1963 sees around 250 000 people attend to hear Dr Martin Luther King Jr. give his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech.
  • Wave Hill Walk-off

    Aboriginal pastoral (farm) workers demand equal pay and a return
    of their traditional lands. This is the first Aboriginal land rights claim.
  • Australian people vote ‘yes’ to counting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the census.

    This would lead to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people also
    obtaining full voting rights.
  • Aboriginal flag designed

  • Aboriginal Tent Embassy is established

    Established on the grounds of federal parliament.
  • Eddie Mabo wins case

    Wins native title to his family’s land on Murray Island.
  • Prime Minister Paul Keating gives his famous ‘Redfern Park’ speech

    He acknowledged past injustices towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Native Title Act

  • The Wik decision

    Allows for native title on land under a pastoral lease.
  • Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says sorry to the Stolen Generations.