Australian Rights and Freedom

By IlanaV
  • William Cooper Born

    William Cooper Born
  • National day of Mourning and Protest.

  • Day of Mourning and Protest

  • Period: to

    6 Adults and 17 Children Died at Cummeroogunja

  • United Nations Created

  • United Nations ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  • The commonwealth electoral granted suffrage to Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander People who had completed military service or were registered on state electoral roles.

  • Brown V. Board of Education

    The United States Supremem court stated, laws that seperate black and white students in public schools, is unconstitutional.
    It was significant because it changed the future of schooling in the U.S and how the education system would operate. It was also significant because white and black students would recieve the same teachings.
    It paved the way for intergration ad encouraged more laws to rule out segregation. It was a victory of the civil rights movement.
  • Rosa Parks was arrested. She was an African American civil rights activist. She was arrested for not giving up her bus seat.

  • Commonwealth Electoral act was changed.

  • Australian Freedom Ride

  • Indigenous people were granted the vote in Queensland.

  • Period: to

    Walked off Wave Hill Cattle station in Protest

    200 people walked off the station. They were led by Vincent Lingiari. Frank Hardy supported the walk off.
  • Aboriginal people were entitled to pensions, unemployment and maternity.

  • SA government established Aboriginal Lands Trust

  • Period: to

    Petitioned the Govenor General for a lease of 1290 square km at Wattie Creek

  • Referendum amended the Constitution to give the Commonwealth power to make special laws and count Indigenous people in the census.

  • Tent Embass was established in Canberra to agitate for land rights.

  • Racial Discrimination Act

  • Commonwealth Aboriginal Land Rights Act was passed by Federal Parliament.

  • Aboriginal and Torres straight islander commission was established

  • Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation was established.

  • Mabo decision recognized native title as part of common law.

  • Redfern Speech. It was made by minister Paul Keating at Redfern Park. It dealt with the challenges faced by indigenous Australians.

  • Bringing them home report was released.

  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous people was adopted by the united nations.

  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous people was adopted by the united nations.