Mike and elise 3

Richie and Jordin

  • The Scary Flight to North Carolina

    Moving out of state and away from my family to be with Richie in North Carolina.
  • Marine Corps Ball

    Must dress up and be pretty for my Marine. Must act proper. o.O
  • Settling into New Apartment

    Settling into new apartment, unpacking, and getting furniture.
  • First Thanksgiving Together

    We've had a Thanksgiving where we were a couple, but not one spent together. Our first Thanksgiving as a couple was spent with me at Lou's parents' house, uncomfortably and begging Richie to call me.
  • Our First Christmas Tree

    Going to get our first real or fake Christmas tree.
  • Christmas Eve

    First Christmas Eve together at the apartment.
  • Our First Christmas Living Together

    Plans are still up in the air.
  • New Years Day