Rhode Island

  • 1790 BCE

    When Rhode Island became the 13th state.

    Rhode Island becomes the 13th state.
  • 1786 BCE

    When Rhode Island decide to not to trade slaves

    Rhode Islanders forbidden by law to trade slaves.
  • 1776 BCE

    When Rhode Island was first created

    Rode Island was first created in May 4,1776
  • 1776 BCE

    About Roger Williams

    Roger Williams was the person who created Rhode Island.
  • Something cool happens in 1776

    Rhode Island becomes a first colony to renounce allegiance to England.
  • Something happens in 1843

    Rhode Island adopts new constitution after Dorr Rebellion
  • A sad thing that happened in Rhode Island.

    Hurricane strikers killed 258 people and causing millions of property damage in Rhode Island.
  • Some thing happens in 2001

    Rhode Island enters the 21st century.
  • The first holiday at Rhode Island

    The first holiday that was ever celebrated at Rhode island was Victory Day.
  • Rhode Islands birthday

    Rhode Islands birthday is on May 28,2020