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RFH5K Planning Timeline

  • Open RFH5K Registration on Active.com

  • Send out Sponsorship Packages

  • Period: to

    RFH5K Planning Process

  • Work on securing volunteers

  • Talk with JJ and secure police/EMS ($70/pp, 2.5 hours min)

  • Fill out and submit special event permit for signage

  • Work on securing runners snacks - bananas/yogurt/water

  • Ensure volunteers are in place

  • Secure key VNF employees available for logistics of day of RFH5K

  • Create/Prepare Coupons for Runners

  • Send Tee Shirt Orders

  • Pre-Summary Email to Registrants

  • Summary Email to Volunteers

  • Send out flyer via IDS

  • Last minute tee shirt orders

  • Last minute tee shirt orders

  • Summary Email to Registrants

  • 3rd Annual RFH5K

    Create large copies of race map, tape to side of tent
  • Secure 2014 date with JJ and City of Burnsville

  • Post Summary Email to Registrants