Open RFH5K Registration on Active.com
Send out Sponsorship Packages
Period: to
RFH5K Planning Process
Work on securing volunteers
Talk with JJ and secure police/EMS ($70/pp, 2.5 hours min)
Fill out and submit special event permit for signage
Work on securing runners snacks - bananas/yogurt/water
bananas/yogurt/water -
Ensure volunteers are in place
Secure key VNF employees available for logistics of day of RFH5K
Create/Prepare Coupons for Runners
Send Tee Shirt Orders
Pre-Summary Email to Registrants
Summary Email to Volunteers
Send out flyer via IDS
Last minute tee shirt orders
Last minute tee shirt orders
Summary Email to Registrants
3rd Annual RFH5K
Create large copies of race map, tape to side of tent -
Secure 2014 date with JJ and City of Burnsville
Post Summary Email to Registrants