revolutions timeline portfolio

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    Thirty Year's War

    -started because it was about religion then became less about religion and more about which group would govern Europe
    -more than 8 million casualties causing it to be one of the most brutal wars in History
    -the conflict changed the geopolitical face of Europe, the role of religion, and nation states in society
  • English Bill of Rights

    -The English Bill of Rights was an act signed into law in 1689 by William III and Mary II
    -William III and Mary II became co-rulers in England after the overthrow of King James II
    -Many experts regard the English Bill of Rights as the primary law that set the stage for a constitutional monarchy in England
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    War of the Austrian Succession

    -Lord Stair, the British commander in the low countries, recommended a joint attack on the French at Dunkirk, followed by an invasion on France
    -The French attacked but their troops were broken by the steady volleys of the British infantry
    -this war was the war that would show who would take the Austrian throne
  • Stamp Act

    -The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first international tax levied directly on American colonists by the British Parliament
    -The act, which imposed a tax on all paper documents in the colonies, came at a time when the British Empire was deep in debt from the Seven Year's War
    -Stamp Act strained relations with the colonies to the point that, 10 years later, the colonists rose in armed rebellion against the British
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    American Revolution

    -The American patriots in the 13 colonies defeated the British in the American Revolutionary War with France as an ally
    -Turned from a civil war to an international conflict
    -Americans had won their independence
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    Treaty of paris

    -The Treaty of Paris signed in Paris by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of America
    -When news of the British defeat at Yorktown reached England support for the war in America faded in both the British Parliament and the public
    -After Yorktown the Continental Congress appointed a small group of statesmen to travel to Europe and negotiate a peace treaty with the British
  • storming battle of bastille

    -a state prison on the east side of Paris, known as the Bastille, was attacked by an angry and aggressive mob.
    -a great crowd armed with muskets, swords, and various makeshift weapons began to gather around the Bastille.
    -The capture of the Bastille symbolized the end of the ancient regime and provided the French revolutionary cause with an irresistible momentum
  • Tennis Court Oath

    -In Versailles, France, the deputies of the Third Estate, which represent commoners and the lower clergy, meet on the Jeu de Paume, an indoor tennis court, in defiance of King Louis XVI’s order to disperse
    -Louis XVI, who ascended the French throne in 1774, proved unsuited to deal with the severe financial problems he had inherited from his grandfather, King Louis XV.
  • French Revolution

    -The French Revolution was a watershed event in modern European history that began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte
    -In the leadup to the May 5 meeting the Third Estate began to mobilize support for equal representation and the abolishment of the noble vetoin other words, they wanted voting by head and not by status
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    Reign of Terror

    -The Reign of Terror, or more commonly The Terror refers to a period of the French Revolution when following the creation of the First French Republic a series of massacres and numerous public executions
    - The Terror had an economic side embodied in the Maximum, a price-control measure demanded by the lower classes of Paris
    -The “Great Terror” that followed, in which about 1,400 persons were executed, contributed to the fall of Robespierre