Revolutions of the Enlightenment

  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Thinkers

    During this time period many people believe that the thinkers of the Enlightenment inspired these revolutions to happen.
  • Publication of Leviathan

    Publication of Leviathan
    In the Leviathan written by Thomas Hobbes he argues that the absolute power of the sovereign was ultimately justified by the consent of the governed. This piece was Published in 1651 by Thomas Hobbes. It contributes to todays ideas of government and rights.
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  • Death of King Louis the 14th (XIV)

    Death of King Louis the 14th (XIV)
    Days before King Louis XIV death he felt horrible pains. He than died on September 1st just 4 days shy of his 77th birthday. Shortly after his death black marks appeared on his back which indicated senile gangrene. Which is lack of blood supply. After this Louis XV became the king.
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  • Publication of The Spirit of Laws

    Publication of The Spirit of Laws
    The Spirit of Laws is a treasie on political theory where its main purpose was to tell the purpose of a law. This Treasie was published in 1748 by Baron de Montesquieu. This Treasie and Montesquies ideas have contributed to the way we run society today and it has even paved the way for how we got here.
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  • Publication of the Social Contract

    Publication of the Social Contract
    The Social Contract was an agreement between people of a state and laws hat define the government that they are living under. These laws protected people rights and to make sure people have rights. The Social Contract was published in 1758 by Jean- Jacques Rousseau. This agreement was revolutionary and it has helped create the way we run our government today.
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  • King Louis XVI Becomes King

    King Louis XVI Becomes King
    In 1770 Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette, and her parents were the emperor and empress of Austria. This formed an alliance between both France and Austria, so once King Louis XV passed away Louis XVI became king.
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  • Estates- General Meets

    Estates- General Meets
    During this time period King Louis XVI planned on taxing the nobility because the peasants couldn't afford it. This upset the nobility so they forced the King to call a meeting of the Estates- General. The Estates- General was made up of 3 different estates, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Usually the 1st and 2nd estates voted together since they were made up of the religious leaders and the nobility while the 3rd estates made up of peasants was voted out.
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  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a time of uncertainty and chaos for everyone involved. From the creation of the National Assembly to King Louis XVI ' s execution and the Reign of Terror citizens were left confused and frightened for there lives.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    When the Estates - General meeting was going on the 1st and 2nd estates locked the 3rd estate out of the meeting haul. This caused the 3rd estates members to become furious. The members than broke into an abandoned tennis court and pledged to not leave until a new consitution was made for France. The 3rd estate members banned together by the forming of the National Assembly which was members of the 3rd estate that wanted better laws.
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  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    After the Tennis Court Oath when King Louis XVI hired the Swiss Gaurd many citizens feared their lives so the stormed an old prison. The old prison was called Bastille. The citizens were in search of gunpowder and supplies to protext themselves. This was only the beginning of the long summer they had ahead.
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  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    After the Tennis Court Pledge had been taken King Louis VXI feared his safety and hired the Swiss gaurds. Citizens throughout France believed that the guards would kill them. So during the summer peasants killed members of the 2nd estate. This caused fear for many across all of Frances which put everyone on edge in those uncertain times. This event caused a lot of blood to be shed across France which caused tons of chaos
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  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was made from Enlightenment thinkers ideas and ended the slogan of the Revolution which was freedom, equality, and brotherhood. While King Louis XVI had no part in the creation. This document was modeled after the Declaration of Independence of the United States. During this time nobles partied while the peasants starved. Which lead to the National Assembly working to create a new consitution.
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    Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution was a constant battle for freedom. From L'Ouverture taking the lead of this fight to Napoleon capturing L'Ouverture and fighting with the slaves on the Island it left Haiti with very little money but independence.
  • Northern Plantations of St. Dominque

    Northern Plantations of St. Dominque
    On the French island, Saint Dominque 500,000 ex, and runaway slaves were on the island when the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen were published. When they heard about this declaration they began to revolt. Which is when Dutty Boukman organized a slave rebellion which was the start of the Haitian Revolution. This caused many of the white people to be fearful and they began killing slaves. Which starts this war for freedom.
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  • King Louis XVI Execution

    King Louis XVI Execution
    King Louis XVI decided it was too much and fled with his wife and kids in disguise. Yet he was recognised by a citizen and he was brought back to Paris under arrest. Radical leaders than decided he was not trust worthy so the King was thrown into jail with the rest of his family. Then on January of 1793 King Louis XVI was executed by Guillotine, beheading. Shortly after his wife, Marie Antoinette had the same fate.
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  • Reign of Terror begins

    Reign of Terror begins
    After Robespierre decided to take control of France that is when The Reign of Terror began. Thousands of French Citizens were being executed because they were being considered “enemies of the revolution” when there was little to no evidence that these people were guilty. Many people were fearful and horrified by all of the innocent people dying.
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  • Slavery is Outlawed in the French Colonies, Including St. Domingue

     Slavery is Outlawed in the French Colonies, Including St. Domingue
    Slavery had first been abolished in 1794 in St. Domingue. Which was followed by a revolt by the slaves in St. Domingue. Slavery was threated to come back before they were finally independent but it never happened. This lead to Haiti being the 1st independent nation of former slaves.
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  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    During the time of the Reign of Terror French citizens grew tired of Robespierre's policies like the executions, and the way that churches had turned into temples of reason. So they had him arrested and executed by guillotine. After this the numbers of executions dropped dramatically.
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  • The Directory Takes over France

    The Directory Takes over France
    After the Reign of Terror a new consitution was drafted. During this time a group of 5 man created a Directory which lead France. This new group over came thousands of challenges to restore order to France. They set up elite schools, helped Frances economy recover, and made peace with Spain and Prussia. This new way of leadership helped France get passed all the hardships it had faced in the past years.
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  • War of Knives Begins for Control of St.Domingue

    War of Knives Begins for Control of St.Domingue
    The rebel leader Toussiant L'Ouverture, wanted freedom and independence for St. Domingue so he sided with Spain. Yet this alliance was short lived when France outlawed slavery. His new mission was to keep the Island out of English and Spanish hands. But shortly after L'Ouveture and his poor farmer slaves and Andre Rigaud and his well-educated former slaves fought over the Island. The war finally ened when the English helped defeat Rigaud.
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  • New Consitution in France = Revolution Over

    New Consitution in France = Revolution Over
    Once the Directory took over France and started leading after the Reign of Terror a new consitition was drafted and made to help make fairer laws for all. This change in government and in laws ended the French Revolution and brought peace into France.
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  • L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared Governor for Life

    In 1801 L'Ouverture created a new consititution in St. Domingue. The new consitution included slavery being outlawed, voodoo being outlawed and gave equal rights. But since voodoo was the main religion of people on the Island people became furious and began to rebel. Since people began to rebel Napolean Bonaparle got angered and believed the people had too much power so he sent troops to the island.
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  • L’Ouverture put in prison by the French with the help of Jean-Jacques Dessalines

    L’Ouverture put in prison by the French with the help of Jean-Jacques Dessalines
    Jean - Jacques Dessaline's was L’Ouverture's top general who had helped organize the plan to capture him. After Napoleon had sent back troops to St. Domingue to win it back when he realized he needed to capture L’Ouverture in attempt to clam things down. Despite L’ouverture's top general help with this capture it didn't work out for Napoleon in the end.
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  • Dessalines proclaims Haiti’s independence

    Dessalines proclaims Haiti’s independence
    Dessalines proclaimed st. Domingue to be the 1st Independent nation of former slaves after Dessalines helped capture L'Ouverture and Napoleon and his troops fought with the people on the Island. Once he had realized that he couldn't win he decided to pull his troops out. After that the fighting stopped and that is when Haiti finally gained its independence.
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  • Period: to

    Revolutions of Latin and South America

    During the Revolutions of Latin and South America people were driven to make changes because of the Idea of independence. With power and persistence people like Jose Morelos and Simon Bolivar were able to be successful leaders
  • Mexico declares independence from Spain

    Mexico declares independence from Spain
    Miguel Hidalgo a creole priest began the push for independence and many people rallied to this call. Many other priest also supported this at first but but when the call was added to end slavery they weren't behind it anymore. Soon after this the King of Spain was forced to sign a new consitiution where he tired to make himself the emperor but he was forced out the Republic of Mexico.
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  • Simon Bolivar arrives at Merida, Venezuela

    Simon Bolivar arrives at Merida, Venezuela
    After the King was gone Simon Bolivar, a creole that led revolutions in his home country Venezuela without any success. After a while he decided to make the decision to attack the Spanish from over the Andes Mountains. This drove the Spanish out of Caracas Venezuela. Bolivar than moved further south to free, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivar. This earned him the title of "The Liberator".
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  • Peru declares independence

    Peru declares independence
    When Bolivar moved South he joined forces with Jose de San Martin when they both were able to free his home country from Spanish control. They then moved on to Chile and Peru and Martin handed his troops over to Bolivar to complete the victories against Spain. In the end they freed Peru and they were able to declare their independence.
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  • Gran Columbia Formed

    Gran Columbia Formed
    After Simon Bolivar had freed many countries from Spain's control some of them decided to form the Gran Columbia. The Gran Columbia was made up of modern nations like Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, and Columbia. The formation didn't last long through only for about 10 years.
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