
  • Period: to

    French and Industrial Revolution

  • Helping the U.S. Colonies (Military)

    France declares war against Great Britain in order to help the U,S colonies. This worsens the debt for the French.
  • Treaty of Paris (Political)

    The treaty between the U.S. and England. France did not have to help out in battle anymore. This also gave hope to the French people fighting for their own rights just like the U.S.
  • Bad Harvest (Economic)

    The bad harvest affected the economy since products were not being produced and sold.
  • Estates-General Meeting (Economic)

    The meeting between the delegates for each estate.
  • Vote to Establish National Assembly (Social)

    Vote to establish national assembly was recognized as the first act of revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath (Social)

    The 3rd Estate in France went into a tennis court and made a pack to stay inside until they were give some rights
  • Storming the Bastille (Social)

    A mob of French people storm a Paris prison in search of weapons
  • March on Versailles (Social)

    Women march to the palace of Versailles. They were mad at Lady Antoinette, and wanted to attack her.
  • Robespierre Moves Up (Political)

    Robespierre is elected president of the Jacobin political club.
  • First Constitution (Political)

    France has its first Constitution.
  • Legislative Assembly (Political)

    the Legislative Assembly meets for the first time. Provided debates and law making.
  • France Goes to War (Military)

    France declares war against Austria. A lot of this was because of the connections with Louis XVI and Lady Antoinette.
  • King Louis XVI Dies (Social)

    Louis XVI is executed on a guillotine after being on trial for treason.
  • Napoleon Takes Full Control (Political)

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France. The way he took power is also known as Coup D'etat.
  • Steamboat (Technological)

    The steamboat is invented by Robert Fulton. This helped with things such as trade and transportation.
  • France Invades Russia (Military)

    Napoleon invades Russia, and he is not successful with the invasion.
  • Telegraph is Invented (Technological)

    The telegraph is invented by Samuel Morse. This helped with communication.
  • Mines Act (Political)

    The Mines Act in Britain stopped women and children from working underground.
  • Women and Children Working Hours (Political)

    Women and children are limited to 10 working hours in Britain.
  • The Communist Manifesto (Economic)

    Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto. This book talked about capitalism and how it affected the common people.