French revolution


  • Mackandal Poisonings of 1759

    Mackandal Poisonings of 1759
    Mackandal, an African born slave who lived in Haiti, was found responsible for the mass poisoning of plantation owners. This led up to the Haitian slave revolt.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    Issue of the Declaration of Independence, which acknowledge the abuse of human rights by the British Parliament, and stated that the colonies were now separate from their opressors.
  • American Revolution Ends

    American Revolution Ends
    The American Revolution ends in an American victory, creating the United States. The U.S. Constitution was created 7 years later.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty involving the U.S. and Britain guarenteed Americans land East of the Mississippi River and below the Great Lakes, however, they were not given Florida, which they would work out with the Spanish later.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The Revolution begins with the storming of the Bastille. This conflict is a result of the discontent of the poor with their treatment. A symbol of this war is the guillotine, which was used to execute thousands of people.
  • Tennis Court Oath (France)

    Tennis Court Oath (France)
    The National Assembly of France (3rd Estate) met at an indoor tennis court because they could not meet at their regular meeting place. They promised to compose a constitution for the country and the people. The rules they set in place were short lived. The French Revolution did not occur too long after.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    This event saw the siege of a large prison in Paris, France. The Bastille was a symbol of royal authority, so it was taken down by revolutionaries. Along with the Tennis Court Oath, and the subsequent Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the Storming of the Bastille largely led to the French Revolution.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    This was France's equivilent to the Declaration of Independence. It guarenteed many rights similar to the ones that were established in the U.S. It set in place that the citizens would be protected by the government, and the people should ultimately decide if the government is ruling justly.
  • Eve of the Haitian Revolution

    Eve of the Haitian Revolution
    This was an epic night in the history of Haiti. Enslaved Africans did a night operation where the gained control of nearly the entire colony of Haiti in one night. The revolution had begun, and shots would be fired the next day.
  • Haitian Revolution Starts

    Haitian Revolution Starts
    Slaves of Santo Domingo rose in a revolt and plunged the colony into civil war. Some main leaders involved were Toussaint L'Ouverture and Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Haitian Revolution Ends

    Haitian Revolution Ends
    The French are defeated, slaves are freed, and cilvil rights were granted to black men in the colony.
  • Reign of Terror (France)

    Reign of Terror (France)
    The Reign of Terror begins on this date, which was a period of intense violence during the French Revolution. It was led by Maximilien de Robespierre, and influential figure during this time. There was also an excessive use of the guillotine during this throughout this event.
  • White Lotus Rebellion

    White Lotus Rebellion
    This was a rebellion during the Qing Dynasty. It began as tax protests led by the White Lotus Society. Underlying causes were corrupt government and oppression, which were common to the end of the Chinese dynastic cycle.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    Reign of Terror Ends
    One of the bloodiest events in French history ends.
  • Batavian Revolution

    Batavian Revolution
    This term refers to the social and politcal turmoil in the Netherlands at the end of the 18th centurt. Conflict would ultimately last for 20 more years. Like almost all other revolutions, the people desired a just government and a different ruling system.
  • French Revolution Ends

    French Revolution Ends
    The Consulate was installed in France, and revolution was ultimately ended in the nation. The Consulate only lasted until 1804 (start of the Napoleonic Empire).
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    This was a massive revolt within the Qing Empire of China that resulted from poor living and agricultural conditions. It was conducted by both army and civil administration. The death toll was about 20 million, making it one of the bloodiest revolutions in history.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    An uprising by soldiers, peasents, and elites. They challenged British authority. One reason that they were able to rebel was that they were supplied with a large amount of weaponry with the British intention of having extra soldiers to fight for them.
  • Rebels Advance in China

    Rebels Advance in China
    Rebels sucessfully capture Hangzhou and Suzhou, but are unable to capture Shanghai. The result of their actions would be massive agricultural damage and a 20-30 million death toll in a very bloody revolution.
  • Young Turk Revolution

    Young Turk Revolution
    The Ottoman Parliament was restored and it marked the return to Constitutional government.