Revolutionary War Timeline

  • George III ascends to the throne of England

  • Period: to

    Towards the Revolutionary War

    Major events leading up to the Revolutionary War
  • Treaty of Paris Signed

    *between French & England, ends the French and Indian War or Great War for Empire
  • Proclamation of 1763

    *Parliament passes Proclamation restricting colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains
  • George Grenville becomes Prime Minister

  • Sugar & Currency Acts Enacted by Parliament

    *lead to first boycott of British goods
  • Parliament passes Stamp Act

    *means to pay for British troops in America
    *in response, Stamp Act Congress meets in New York
    *Sons of Liberty protest
    *Virginia House of Burgesses passes Virginia resolves
  • Stamp Act repealed, Declaratory Act passed

    *reasserting British power
    *Restraining Act suspends New York assembly until it will pay taxes for quartering of troops--around same time
  • Townsend duties enacted

  • British troops arrive in colonies to enforce customs laws

  • "Boston Massacre"

    *4 workers shot by British troops stationed in Boston
    *labeled massacre by Patriots, hugely successful piece of propaganda
  • Townsend duties repealed

    *except for tea!
  • Committees of Correspondence begin to form

  • Boston Tea Party

    *Patriots dressed as Indians protect against the Tea Act by dumping crates of tea into the Boston Harbor
    *in reponse Britain passed the Coercive/Intolerable Acts, closing the Boston Harbor, suspended the MA assembly & banned town meetings, amended the Quartering Act, and added the Quebec Act, limiting territory
  • First Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia

  • Shots at Lexington and Concord

    *Minutemen force British back to Boston
    *action is taken, violence has broken out--is there any turning back now?
  • Second Continental Congress meets

  • George Washington takes charge of Continental Army

  • Lord Dunmore offers freedom to slaves who join the British

  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense published

  • Declaration of Independence ratified by Congress