Revolutionary war

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    the Virginia governor sent militia, a group
    of ordinary citizens who performed military duties, to evict the French. This was
    the opening of the French and Indian War, the fourth war between Great Britain
    and France for control of North America.
  • Treaty Of Paris 1763

    Treaty Of Paris 1763
    The war officially ended in 1763 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Great
    Britain claimed Canada and virtually all of North America east of the Mississippi
  • Proclomation of 1763

    Proclomation of 1763
    Proclamation of 1763 established a Proclamation Line along the
    Appalachians, which the colonists were not allowed to cross.
  • Sugar act and Colonists response

    Sugar act and Colonists response
    The Sugar Act did three things. It halved the duty on
    foreign-made molasses in the hopes that colonists would pay
    a lower tax rather than risk arrest by smuggling. It placed
    duties on certain imports that had not been taxed before.
    Most important, it provided that colonists accused of violating
    the act would be tried in a vice-admiralty court rather
    than a colonial court.
  • Writ of Assistance

    Writ of Assistance
    In May of 1765, the colonists united to defy the law. Boston shopkeepers, artisans,
    and laborers organized a secret resistance group called the Sons of Liberty to
    protest the law. Meanwhile, the colonial assemblies declared that Parliament lacked
    the power to impose taxes on the colonies because the colonists were not represented
    in Parliament.The Townshend Acts taxed goods that were imported into the colony from
    Britain, such as lead, glass, paint, and paper. The Acts also imposed a tax on tea,