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Revolutionary war

By 877898
  • 1765

    The stamp act was created and it was the first tax created against the Colonists by the British
  • 1767

    The Townshend acts were created and were made to take revenue from the colonists after the stamp act was taken away
  • 1770

    The Boston massacre occurred On March 5, 1770 when a group of British soldiers fired and some protesters. 5 were killed
  • 1774

    The intolerable acts were passed. Number one was the Boston Port act. number two what is the Massachusetts government act.Number three was the administration of justice act. Number four was the quartering act.number five was the Quebec act which expanded the British Canadian territory south into the Ohio Valley.
  • 1776

    The Declaration of Independence was passed. It was a document made by the colonies to Great Britain stating the reasons why they wanted to leave great Britain and become their own country.
  • 1781

    The battle of Yorktown was Begun by George Washington when he sieged General Cornwallis in Yorktown
  • 1783

    The treaty of Paris was signed in Paris. It officially granted the United States freedom from Great Britain.
  • 1787

    Constitution of the United States was established. All the laws that citizens of the United States have to follow are in it