Revolutionary War

  • The French and indian War

    The french and indian war was faught by british soldiers, french soldiers, indians, and colonists. This war was faught for the rights of land. The Indians were being pushed off their land by the british and colonists and they decided to fight. The french allied with the indians and the british government had to protect the colonies from the french and indians.
  • The war ends/ Pontiacs rebelion

    After the seven year war. The colonists and the british won and they had the won the land in america owned by the french. After the war a group of indians started the pontiacs rebelion. They rebeled against the colonies and the nations in the surrounding lands. Some colonists were killed and this led to the proclamation of 1763
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This new act made is so the colonists could not move onto the land they won in the french and indian war. Parlament got reports that the indians would rebel and attack again if they were pushed off their land. They told the colonists that the land west of the ohio valley was not available for them. The colonists faught for the land and thought they deserved the land although they were told not to some still did move west but not in great numbers.
  • The sugar act

    The sugar act made is so the colonies almost had to buy sugar from britian and although it lowered the tax on the sugar and molasses, it made the tax strict. It made the sale of rum in the colonies drop because not as much sugar was being bought and it was in only a certain supply since they were only allowed to buy british sugar instead of the cheaper french product. This angered the colonist because they were being told what to buy and for what price.
  • The Currency Act

    The colonies didn't have enough british money for the economy to run properly. The colonies decided to start their own currency. The new currency was hard to understand and harder to use. This was confusing for the british merchants, so parliment passed the currenct act to stop the use of the paper money. They believed in hard money, so they money stayed in pounds of gold or silver.
  • The quartering act

    The quartering act was to make it so that the british armed forces had the funds and assets it needed in the colonies. It made it so the soldiers could do almost anything they wanted if they needed to or they said they needed to. This angered the colonists because soldiers would often take things because they wanted them and the colonists wouldn't make enough money for them to survive.
  • The Stamp act congress

    This was one of the first times british colonists tried to oppose the government but in a civil manner. They sent a document that said they should have the same rights as men in the kingdom of great-britian. They said that the taxes should be changed and new taxes should be set only if the colonists agree to the tax and the items. This made parliment angry because the colonists were forming groups against them.
  • The Declaratory Act

    This again made the british governments control seem stronger. The colonists didn't pay much attention to this act. They pushed it aside because they were celebrating parliment getting rid of the stamp act. Although it was set to punish the colonies they didn't care they had won a political battle in their minds.
  • The Townshend revenue act

    This act taxed a lot of imports coming from britian. Soon after this act went into action a sloop owned by john hancock was taken for not following the laws. This lead to bostianians attacking the officials office. That then led to british soldiers occupying boston and the colonists reacted by setting the boston non-importation Agreement.
  • Boston Non-importation agreement

    This said that no colonial merchants were going to trade with britian. The taxes made it hard enough to maeke a living then the labor became harder when the trades became harder and harder to make product. This angered the british because they needed supplies from the colonies and they thought the colonies must trade resources with them because it was their duties as british citizens.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The massacre started when a group of fifty citizens started attacking a british sentinal. The captain then called for more soldiers and they to were attacked so he ordered them to fire. All together five died and six were injured. They went to court and the case was aquitted and no soldiers were charged. Later two soldiers were charged with manslaughter.
  • The Gaspee affair

    This was when a Colonial trade ship made a british offical ship run aground. After this word was sent to providence, and a group of 55 men went and attacked the ship. They injured the captain and looted and burned the ship.
  • The Tea Act

    The tea act made it so the colonists were forced to buy tea from one company. Although it was much cheaper the colonists didn't want to buy it. They either forced the ships with tea aboard out of harber or they let the tea sit on the docks and rot. The british were angry with the colonists for not buying what they said.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    After the tea act was put in by parliment the colonists were angry. They didn't want to be told what to buy. So some of the sons of liberty dressed like indians and dumbed english tea in the boston harber.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The intolerable acts were a group of five acts that parliment set to punish the colonies for the boston tea party. They Mainly punish Massachusetts. This angered the colonists more and led to the first continental congress.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    The First congress was ordered to deal with the intolerable acts and everything the british had done. They were supposed to find away to resolve differences with great britian and the government. Their were different views of what should happen. Some colonists wanted to find a way to stay with britain but have representatives in parliment. Others wanted to brake away from the british and start anew in the new land. The colonists had mixed feelings about the congress.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The battle of lexington and concord was fought because the "Redcoats" gained information that colonists were hiding military supplies in concord. The colonists heard this information long before the british attacked. The battle was full of retreats on both sides of the battle field. In the end the minutemen and militia won the battle and forced the british back to boston. The first shot of this battle was called the shot around the world. This battle was the starting point of the fighting.