Revolutionary war

  • French and Indian war

    It was a battle for land. It was a battle between British and french taking the Indian land.
  • proclamation of 1763

    To try not to steal the Indians land.
  • sugar act

    The colonist had to pay money to the British. Every time they got sugar the added taxes to them.
  • Boston massacre

    The colonist shot the British and know ones why. People say the colonist were throwing snow balls.
  • Boston tea party

    The colonist stole the sugar and throw it of the boat. they were Desiccated as Indians.
  • tea act

    The British taxed the colonist for tea.
  • First continental congress

    First continental congress
    It was a meeting with all 12 colonies. They talked about adding another one.
  • Second continental congress

    The second continental congress was a convention in the Philadelphia. It was the second half of the first continental congress.
  • Lexington and concord

    Lexington and concord
    The battle of Lexington and concord was the first of many battles of the Revolutionary war.
  • Bunker hill

    It was a battle that the British won. Though the British won The Americans had a confidence boost.
  • Common sense

    It was a book saying the don't want to fight anymore.
  • Declaration of independence

    It was a letter to the British, an apology letter. It talks about how they don't like the original rules.
  • Valley forge

    It was a bad winter that Gorge Washington had to through. It was in Philadelphia.
  • Washington crossed the Delaware

    gorge Washington takes his troops over the Delaware on Christmas. The river was the hardest part.
  • articles of confederation

    Agreeing to follow the constitution
  • Treaty of Paris

    It was the final document that ended the war. Signed by King George lll and Paris.
  • siege of Yorktown

    It was about Yorktown surrendering.
  • Alexander Hamilton

    born in British west indies. He was a U.S. coast guard. Died June 1804 by the Vice President Aaron.
  • gorge washington

    He was one of the founding fathers. And the first U.S. presidents.
  • Tomas Jefferson

    One of are founding fathers. He is also the 3rd U.S. president.