Revolutionary Timeline: 1750-1900

  • Start of French and Indian War

    Start of French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was a conflict between the French and English forces in North America that altered the balance of colonial power. This expensive war caused great debt in both France and Britian thus making taxation on colonies a necessity. These taxes were significant as they were one of the many causes that ultimately sparked the desire for revolution among colonists.
  • Start of Seven Years War

    Start of Seven Years War
    The Seven Years War was the caused by the French and Indian War and became an extention of it. Britain won, leaving them €137 million in debt. This debt also increased the need for taxes in the Britain owned American Colonies which motivated the colonists to revolt
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Britian sought to establish an effective western limit for settlement in North America and therefore created the Proclamation of 1763 which did just that. It was significant as it put into question the claims of established farmers and did not effectively protect Amerindian land which greatly angered the people.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    British efforts to transfer the cost of imperial wars to the colonists through new fiscal reforms and taxes, such as The Stamp Act which placed a heavy tax on nearly every printed material, led to open boycotts and protests.Eventually The Stamp Act was repealled, but the colonists would prove to be unsatisfied without a complete reformation of the government.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The various protestations and boycotts constantly taking place grew out of hand and soldiers were dispatched to reestablish control of Boston's streets. While trying to contain the protestors, a British force fired on the crowd, killing five innocent civilians. This was significant as it caused an increase in colonial support for a complete break with Britain.
  • Annexation of Quebec Territory

    Annexation of Quebec Territory
    In order to slow the expansion of settlers onto Amerindian lands, the decision was made by Britian to annex the disputed western territory in the province of Quebec. This was significant as it caused great anger in the eastern colonies and increased hostility and suspicsion between colonists and the government
  • Declaration of Independence Created

    Declaration of Independence Created
    Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, the document tat proved to be the most enduring statement of the revolutionary era's ideology. The Declaration was significant as it influenced revolutions and popular protests around the world.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    At Saratoga, Britain's general John Burgoyne was defeated by American General Horatio Gares. This win was significant was it both gave heart to discouraged patriot forces and convinced France to enter the war as an ally of the US in the following year.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    With the American fleet now supported by French soldiers, British General Cornwallis was forced to surrender to Washington at this battle. This was significant as it officially ended the American Revolution which granted the colonists independence from Britain.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate, fed up with the mistreatment of the First and Second Estates, declared themselves the National Assembly. But the king tried to supress all of this and make them accept a constitutional monarchy. After being locked out of thier meeting place, they all met up in an indoor tennis court and pledged to write a constitution. This was a sign that the king's reforms weren't working and that his reigning was coming to an end.
  • Attack of the Bastille

    Attack of the Bastille
    This took place when people heard that the king was massing troops to arrest representatives. Common people got a hold of weapons and started formingn mobs. They went and stormed the Bastille prison. This only added to the feul of the French Revolution.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution was caused by race discrimination and race inequality between slaves, natives, gens de couleur, and the French. When the political unstability in France weakened the colonial powers, the people put their hatred into a revolution.
  • Beheading of King Louis XVI

    Beheading of King Louis XVI
    The beheading of King Louis XVI in many ways was the spark to the French Revolution. This event pushed the Third Estate over the edge because the Third Estate had grown during his reign.
  • Beginning of Reign of Terror

    Beginning of Reign of Terror
    This Riegn of Terror was a bloodbath for the French. When the guillotine was used to end the king's life, it soon became a symbol of the revolution. During the Reign of Terror around 40,000 people were executed or died in prison and about 30,000were imprisoned.
  • Arrest of Maximilien Robespierre

    Arrest of Maximilien Robespierre
    Over the next days after Robespierre was arrested, him and almost a hundred of his allies were sentenced to death by guillotine. This event eneded the Reign of Terror. And afterwards the Convention started to undo some of the radical reforms.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte becomes Emperor of France

    Napoleon Bonaparte becomes Emperor of France
    This really made the French Revolution take a turn because Napoleon did help France out of its turmoil in a way but at the same time made things worse. He won favor with the people because he was considered to have come to power as "one of the people." He tried doing extrodinary things for France but n the end failed.
  • Revolutions in Spanish South America

    Revolutions in Spanish South America
    These revolutions lasted from 1808 all the way to 1825. The people in these colonies despised the colonial administration and church heirachy. The military leader was Simon Bolivar.
  • First of the revolts in Mexico

    First of the revolts in Mexico
    Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was priest in small town in Mexico. He urged thousands of people to rise up against the harsh living conditions and the oppresion of the Spanihs officials. This led to bigger revolts.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    This meeting was held in order to restablish political order in Europe after everything that had happened with the French Revolution and Napoleon. This meeting was carried out to the year 1815.
  • The Revolutions of 1848

    The Revolutions of 1848
    Inspired by the previous reforms of other countries, in1848 the desire for democratic reform and national self-determination and the frustrations of urban workers led to upheavals all across Europe. Although all rebelling countries failed tofain their national/republican objectives, the revolutions were significant as they showed the worldwide desire for freedom and involvement in the government and contributed to the transformation of Western society.