Revolutionary Era

By eudydf
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Was issued by Britain, so they could limit settlement to the territory.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary Era

    I am unable to get the exact dates for this timeline from the book. All dates will be labeled as October 31.
  • Parliament passes Sugar Act

    This act lowered taxes on malasses that came from the colonist. Grenville lowered the taxes in hopes of colonists paying the taxes instead of smuggling goods.
  • Parliament enacts Stamp Act

    This act was issued so more money could be raised. This put a tax on all printed material within colonies. This act effected everyone in the colonies. Thsi was strongly protested. It was taken to congress, and then repealed. The colonist never gained back full trust of parliament after this act.
  • Townshed Acts tax colonial imports

    After the stmap act they tried to prevent some of those things with the Townshed Act. The new act was only towards imported goods. The tax for these must be paid for it enter the colonies. The colonists were still outraged with any taxes that had to be paid.
  • Boston Massacre

    On this day tension between the redcoats and colonists reached a peak, and a fight broke out in the streets. Colonists used whatever they could find to use as a weapon. That day five colonists died by being shot by the redcoats.
  • Smauel Adams sets up a committee of correspondence

    This was used in earlier protests. It was revived because many leaders were calling for a resistance to British ruling. This brought up many committees opposing Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party

    On that night there were three ships that arrivied at the Boston Harbor. On those three ships there were tea. A group of men dressed up as Mohawks. That group of men through all the tea overboard.
  • Parliament passes the Intolerable Acts

    Parliament issued out the Coercive Acts, as so to punish Massachsetts for resisting. This act closed the Boston Harbor untill the tea was paid for by Massachusetts.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    55 men were sent to Philidelphia as delegates for all the colonies except Georgia. They formed an orgnaization called the Continental Congress.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord are fought

    When the redcoats aproched Lexington they about 70 minutemen there in the middle of the town. One of the fired and then battle broke out. When that battle was over ,the redcoats went to Concord and destroyed the rest of the militias supplies. The people of Concord all hid and fired as the redcoats went by. Many of the redcoats were wounded, and 73 had died while walking through Concord to Boston.