Revolution Timeline Summative

By yang686
  • French & Indian War

    French & Indian War
    Firstly, the French and Indian war was mainly about who would control land in North America. France and Great Britain used the Ohio River Valley for trade but the British tried to pressure the French from the Valley. The French refused which started a fight between them. The British had lots of help from different people. The British underestimated the French which made them lost. The French were unbeatable for two years until the British had a refresh. The British won and the French lost later.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was where things like contracts, licenses, newspapers, or even playing cards needed a tax stamp from the Government. Overall the Stamp Act was not a good idea because the Americans were taxed directly. This led to them protesting the law openly. Near the end of the Stamp Act, it eventually did come to an end but the British still had the power over the Colonists.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was when colonists were required to bring British soldiers into their homes. In other words, colonists had to invite the British soldiers into their privacy. The colonists did not appreciate this because they saw this as another attack on their rights basically just like how the Stamp Act happened. With the British soldiers staying in the Colonists homes, they basically had to do more work because there was another mouth to feed. This led them to use more money.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    Like the Stamp Act, there was another act from the British where things were taxed. Instead of documents, the Townshend Acts taxed on lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea that was imported from Great Britain. Charles Townshend was the one who created a new way to tax the Colonists. Of course like the other taxing act, the Colonists again protested to stop the Townshend act.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    One day some British soldiers were on the streets that belonged to the Colonists. Angering the Colonists a crowd of them began to throw snowballs at the British soldiers. Soon later someone shouted "fire" then British soldiers shot at the Colonists killing 5 people. One included an African American soldier. The soldiers that shot at the Colonists were put on trial for murder but all were free later expect for two from John Adams. Those two soldiers were given a light punishment only.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Tax were later onto tea because this will give advantages for British East India Companies. The tax for the tea was now three cents. With the tea act going around some Colonist tea businesses would lose business. With the Colonists being upset they came together and dumped loads of tea down into the Boston Harbor from ships. Colonists then began to drink coffee instead of the tea. The actions from the Colonists got the British angry and they warned that they'll create stricter laws for them.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    An overall of the Intolerable Acts was where more laws were put onto the Colonists. This act took place right after the Boston Tea Party. The Intolerable Acts was like a punishment towards the colonists that were a part of the tea dump. The end for the Intolerable Acts would come to an end when the Colonists had paid for the tea that they dumped.
  • The Battle of Lexington & Concord

    The Battle of Lexington & Concord
    A wrap from all the laws given to the Colonists, this is where the war really began and the British had to stop the Colonists. British soldiers were prepared and ready to destroy the Colonists as they marched into Lexington led by their leader Captain John. The British soldiers were able to injure and even kill some of the Colonists while others flee into the woods. British soldiers later left Lexington and found a hidden supply base of the Colonists and destroyed it too.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The British controlled an important town called Boston. This was an important city because it had access to the sea but to maintain the town they must continue to fight for it. There being hills, the British thought that if they could take those hills their defense would be more stronger. The British then attacked the Colonists but the Colonist retreated due to low power to fight back, and ran for Bunker Hill. Little did the British know that they were on the wrong hill.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    As the wars continued to keep going, for the thirteen states came to summarize that maybe the Colonists should have independence and break apart from the British. Major ideas that came to them were that people should have certain rights, Liberty, and Happiness. The Colonists wanted to be free from the British and have their own will of freedom and independence. The government tries to defend and protect these rights.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    The Colonists became in bad shape mainly because they didn't have support of resources and supplies. Their general George Washington wanted his men to stand strong and keep fighting but his men were not in a good shape. They had to deal with winter, hunger, and diseases. They rested at a winter camp but couldn't live nicely much. Later in winter, congress men saw that Washington and his men needed help and they got what they needed later on to help them. Help of Baron von Stueben worked well.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    As the Revolution war started to come to an end, this was the last battle of it. The last battle took place in the south of Yorktown in Virginia. With all the preparation, Washington's troops outnumbered the British troops by 8,000. All of Washington's troops were fresh and healed to fight again. The battle between the two lasted until October when a few British soldiers finally gave up. It was said that the British soldiers weren't well to fight. With luck and hope, the Americans had won.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is like the official end of the Revolution between Great Britain and the United States. Signed on September 3rd, 1783 this would mean peace between the two. Finally the British had recognized the U.S. as an independent nation. The British gave back states that they took. The United States was finally official and then America will now start to grow on its own.