800px arrest of louis xvi and his family, varennes, 1791 (1)

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

  • Louis XVI is Born

    Louis XVI is Born
    Louis XVI, son of Louis XV, had the unfortunate luck to be born into a country with a failing economy, angry citizens, and a dawning revolution due to his predecessors' actions. Weak as a leader, he was never popular with the people of France.
  • Marie Antoinette is Born

    Marie Antoinette is Born
    Marie Antoinette, born Maria Antonia, was the daughter of Austrian monarch Maria Theresa. Infamous for her extravagant spending habits and expensive parties, she was nicknamed "Madame Deficit" and was attributed by the people for France's economic problems. One rumor spread by the people was Antoinette purchasing a $1.6m diamond, while the people starved. Hated by the people and deemed a traitor by many, her controversial rule led to the beginning of the French revolution.
  • Louis XVI is married to Marie Antoinette

    Louis XVI is married to Marie Antoinette
    The marriage of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI was highly controversial. Historically, Austria was an enemy of France, and France was highly xenophobic at the time so the marriage of the future king and a foreigner was greatly upsetting for the people. An unlikely couple, Louis XVI was indecisive and an introvert while Antoinette was the opposite so their marriage was almost completely for diplomatic reasons.
  • Louis XVI takes the Throne

    Louis XVI takes the Throne
    Louis XVI took the throne in a highly uncertain time. He inherited vast amounts of debt from his predecessors, Louis XV and XIV, and France's economy was in a poor state due to high taxes and bad harvests before his secession. His indecisive leadership and failure to fix France's issues ultimately led to the end of the monarchy in France.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    In 1789, citizens furious with the royalty alongside the outrageous prices of necessities such as bread marched on the palace at Versailles. Wanting fair prices for food, the crowd of mostly women quickly turned their sights on the king and queen. They believed that to be responsible, the king and queen had to come back and live amongst citizens in Paris, and change would follow. The king and queen moved into the Tuilleries Palace in Paris and was celebrated as a turning point of the revolution.
  • Attempted Flight to Montmédy

    Attempted Flight to Montmédy
    On the night of June 20th, 1791, Louis XVI and Antoinette attempted to flee Paris to the town of Montmédy, where an army of loyal soldiers and officers resided. The royal family was caught in the town of Varennes, where they were arrested and brought back to Paris. The citizens viewed this as an attempt to abandon the people, and the citizens became increasingly hostile due to what they viewed as treason. This event eventually led to the execution of the king and queen, being tried for treason.
  • Attack on the Tuileries Palace

    Attack on the Tuileries Palace
    On August 10th, the people's anger had reached a maximum due to the king's attempted escape and continued lack of action for France's issues, and a mob of armed citizens invaded the Tuileries Palace. The mob massacred the royal guards and captured the royal family, who after their capture were officially imprisoned three days after the events of the insurrection.
  • Louis XVI is Imprisoned

    Louis XVI is Imprisoned
    The royal family was imprisoned on August 13th of 1792 and were sent to an ancient fortress used as a prison, the Temple. On the 21st of September following the imprisonment of the royal family, the National Assembly abolished the monarchy and stripped Louis XVI of all of his rights and titles and was thereon known as citizen Louis Capet.
  • Louis XVI is Executed

    Louis XVI is Executed
    The National Convention had already accused Louis XVI of treason and crimes against the state, so on January 15th, Louis XVI was tried and found guilty. The next day he was sentenced to death, as many believed his death was necessary for the revolution to live on. and on January 21st, 1793 Louis XVI was executed. His death further radicalized and divided the people of France, allowing figures such as Robespierre to take control.
  • Marie Antoinette is Executed

    Marie Antoinette is Executed
    On October 16th, 1793, Marie Antoinette was found guilty of treason and conspiring against the state and was executed the same day. Her death had marked the end of the French monarchy and from then on, France was governed as a republic.