
Revolution timeline

  • Benedict Arnold Becomes a Traitor

    Arnold betrayed America by contacting Henry Clinton and made a pact with him
  • French Indian war starts

  • Period: to

    French Indian war

  • French Indian war ended

  • Proclomation of 1763

    closed colonial expansion westward
  • Admirality courts

  • 1764 Sugar Act

    Goal to make 100,000 pounds signaled end of colonial exemption from revenue
  • Boycotts

    Colonial leaders organized Boycotts on taxed goods
  • stamp act of 1765

    First internal tax levied American colonist
  • Period: to

    Stamp Act

  • Quartering act of 1765

    required colonies to provide British soldiers with food and shelter
  • Sons And Daughters of Liberty

    Secret organization that protested the stamp act
  • Virginia Resolves

  • Stamp Act Congress

  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    The stamp act got repealed
  • Declaration Act

    Stated authority was the same in America as it was in Britain
  • New York Assembly disbanded

    The Assembly was disbanded because it didnt allow quartering Act
  • Townsend Acts

    Imposed duties on lead,glass,paint, and paper
  • Period: to

    Quiet Period

    no complaint from colonist
  • Boston massacre

    5 civilians died and more were injured as British soldiers fired upon unarmed men
  • Committees of Correspondence

    formed by Sam Adams system of communication
  • Tea act

    Monopoly on Tea sales
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonist dressed as indians and dumped 342 crates of british tea in the water
  • Boston Port Act

    Part of Intollerable acts closed port of Boston until price of dumped tea was recovered
  • Massachusetts Governmet Act

    Act for better regulating Government of Massachusetts Bay
  • Administration of justice

    Personal activity and structure of Justice system
  • First Contenintal Congress

    Representatives From all colonies exept Georgia met in Philidelphia Gathered ti discuss intolerable acts.
  • Second contenintal Congress

    Managed colonial War effort
  • Lexington and Concord

    forst shot starting the revolution were fired at lexington
  • Ticonderoga

    America took over a British Garrison
  • American Ivasion of Canada

    First major move by new American army
  • Washington appointed Commander of Continental Army

    First American President and accepts to be leader of an army
  • Bunker Hill

    British defeated AMerica in this Battle
  • Common sense Published by Thomas Pain

    Book that inspired colonist to fight for freedom and independence
  • Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson

    Summarized Colonist Motivations for seeking independence
  • Hessian Mercenaries by British

    British hired Mercenaries
  • battle of Trenton

    Occured Afters Washingtons crossong of Delaware river
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Joh Burgoyne proposed a plan to defeat America
  • Period: to

    Valley Forge Winter

    Washington chose a spot where the colonist could successfu;y defend a British attack
  • France Allies With Americans

    Frence Decides to Help America
  • Spain Allies with America

    Spain Helps out America
  • Articles of Confederation are Approved

    Documents that created the first central Government for the U.S.
  • Yorktown

    Washington goes to battle with General Lord Charles Cornwalis
  • Treaty of Paris

    Ended American Revolutionary war