Fredonian Rebellion causes uprising and building tensions in Nacogdoches.
This event caused tensions to rise and is accredited with being the match that lit the "covered with gasoline" fire that started the Texas Revolution -
Rebels sign their own Declaration of Independence from Mexico
Fort and rebellion abandoned by rebels
Rebels fled into parts of LA and the Sabine river -
Mexican law passed
Law passed because the state was becoming too "Americanized" All events preceding and including this event taken from https://easttexashistory.org/items/show/166 -
Mexico sends 300-500 troops to the Zacatecas region
This was done so because the Mexicans believed the US had leans on taking the land. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Texas-Revolution -
"Come and Take it"
Mexican soldiers moved in on Gonzales to collect a cannon that had been given to the town. They were met by Texas militiamen rising in numbers. The militiamen challenged the Mexican troops to "Come and Take it". A skirmish broke out and the militiamen won, causing the Mexicans to retreat. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Texas-Revolution -
Period: to
Houston President of Republic of Texas
The Goliad Massacre
Santa Anna was eager to respond and put an end to the rebellion on his hands. He moved his forces to San Antonio.
The Texans were hunkered down in the Alamo in San Antonio and all who defended it were killed by the Mexican advance. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Texas-Revolution/Santa-Anna-responds-the-Alamo-and-the-Goliad-Massacre -
Sam Houston confirmed as commander of the Texas Army
The Battle of San Jacinto
Following the Alamo, under the leadership of Sam Houston, the Texan army withdrew to the Northeast. On April 21, the Texan army surprised the Mexican forces (who had the advantage 900-1200) while they were resting. The texans won the battle while also capturing Santa Anna and making him sign the Treaties of Velasco, recognizing Texas and ending the war. Republic of Texas established. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Texas-Revolution/Santa-Anna-responds-the-Alamo-and-the-Goliad-Massacre -
Texas Recognized by Mexico, War Over
Lamar becomes second president of Texas
Houston Back in Office
Texas annexed into the United States
Texas Officially a State