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Revolution/Republic Timeline

By TWaddle
  • Period: to


  • Texas declares independence from Mexico

  • The Battle of the Alamo

  • Goliad Massacre

  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Victory over Mexican army and capture of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna on the following day achieves de facto Texas independence.
  • Treaty of Velasco signed

  • Sam Houston is elected president.

  • Resolution to recognize Texas introduced in the U.S. Senate

  • General Santa Anna arrives in Washington, DC.

  • U.S. recognizes the Republic of Texas

    The last act of the Jackson Presidency.
  • Santa Anna, home in Mexico

    Renounces all guarantees made to the Republic of Texas as a condition to his restoration of freedom.
  • U.S. Secretary of State reports that treaty agreements with Mexico prohibit the U.S.'s annexing Texas.

  • Texas minister to the United States presents U.S. government a formal offer from the Republic of Texas to annex itself to the United States.

  • Senator William C. Preston introduces a resolution for a tripartite treaty between the U.S./Mexico/Texas in the U.S. Senate.

  • Texas withdraws the offer of annexation because of the U.S. Congress' lack of action on the proposal.

  • Texas Congress passes joint resolution approving of President Sam Houston's withdrawal of annexation proposal.

  • U.S. Senate passes a proposed commerce treaty with the Republic of Texas. However, the Senate's amendment of the original treaty terms causes the Texas Congress to reject the final version of the treaty.

  • Sam Houston issues proclamation declaring armistice between Mexico and Texas.

  • An annexation treaty between the U.S. and Texas signed between the two diplomats.

  • U.S. Senate rejects the treaty, 35 to 16.

  • U.S. Senate votes to table the Benton Annexation Bill.

  • Joint Resolution to annex Texas passes the U.S. House of Representatives.

  • Joint Resolution, with amendments to be voted on by the House, passes U.S. Senate 27 to 25.

  • House adopts Senate version of the joint resolution to annex the Republic of Texas 132 to 76.

  • President Tyler signs annexation resolution.

  • Annexation offer sent to Texas president Anson Jones.

  • Cuevas-Smith treaty between Mexico and Texas signed guaranteeing Texas independence so long as it remains a separate republic.

  • Texas Congress meets in special session to consider both the proposed Mexican treaty and the annexation resolution from the U.S. Congress. U.S. offer accepted.

  • Convention meets to consider both the Mexican treaty and the U.S. annexation resolution. U.S. offer accepted by Convention.

  • U.S. House votes to annex Texas by Joint Resolution

  • U.S. Senate approves joint resolution for the admission of Texas as a state

  • President Polk signs the Joint Resolution. Texas officially the 28th state on this date.