1836 sites [converted]

Revolution/Republic Timeline

  • Period: to

    TEXAS 1836-1845

  • The Convention of 1836

    The Convention of 1836 met at Washington-on-the-Brazos
  • The Texas Declaration of Independence is adopted

  • 13-day siege of the Alamo

    A 13-day siege of the Alamo by Mexican troops led by Santa Anna ends on this day with a battle in which all remaining defenders are killed.
  • The Battle of San Jacinto

    In a battle starting about 4:30 p.m. and lasting 18 minutes, Texan troops led by Sam Houston defeat the Mexican army commanded by Santa Anna at San Jacinto near present-day Houston. Sam Houston reports that 630 Mexican troops were killed and 730 were taken prisoner. Of the Texas troops, nine of a force of 910 were killed or mortally wounded, and 30 were less seriously wounded.
  • Texas officially gets Independence

    The Treaties of Velasco are signed, officially giving Texas its independence.
    The Republic of Texas and General Santa Anna sign the Velasco Treaties, which end the revolution. However, the Mexican government says that Santa Anna does not have the right to sign the treaties and never agrees to the treaties.
  • first elected officials

    Voters of the new republic choose their first elected officials: Sam Houston becomes president and Lorenzo de Zavala, vice president. The voters also overwhelmingly approve a referendum requesting annexation by the United States. U.S. President Martin Van Buren refuses to consider it, however, citing fear of war with Mexico and constitutional scruples.
  • Father of Texas dies

    Stephen F. Austin, called the "Father of Texas," dies of pneumonia at age 43.
  • Resolution

    Resolution to recognize Texas introduced in the U.S. Senate.
  • Recognition of the Republic of Texas

    U.S. recognizes the Republic of Texas, the last act of the Jackson Presidency.
  • Restoration of Freedom

    Santa Anna, home in Mexico, renounces all guarantees made to the Republic of Texas as a condition to his restoration of freedom.
  • Prohibit of Annexation of Texas

    U.S. Secretary of State reports that treaty agreements with Mexico prohibit the U.S.'s annexing Texas
  • Offer of Annexation

    Texas minister to the United States presents U.S. government a formal offer from the Republic of Texas to annex itself to the United States.
  • Mirabeau Lamar inaugarated as President

    Mirabeau B. Lamar inaugurated as second President of the Republic of Texas after Sam Houston.
  • Sam Houston becomes president of the Republic of Texas

    Sam Houston becomes president of the Republic of Texas...Again!
    Sam Houston became president of the Republic of Texas for the second time.
  • Texas Becomes the 28th State

    Texas Becomes the 28th State
    President James Polk signed the annexation acts that allowed Texas to become the 28th state in the Union.