Revolution/Republic Timeline

By Masker
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    Uprising in Texas.
    The Texas Army successfully seized Fort Guriad from the Mexicans in 1835.
    American Colonel James W. Fannin took control of Guriad Fort in 1835, but was executed in La Bahia in 1836 with his 300 to 400 soldiers.
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    Texas Revolution

    Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana quelled the resistance in October 1835.
    In March 1836, the members of the Texas Convention passed the "Declaration of Independence."
    In April 1836, the Texas and Mexican forces under the leadership of Sam Houston won a decisive victory at the Battle of San Jacinto
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    Fredonia Rebellion and Old Stone Fort

    The old stone castle replica was built in 1936 with "New Deal" funds.
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    Texas Independence

    the Republic of Texas proudly but dangerously existed as an independent and unique country.
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    The army of the Mexican general Santa Anna repeatedly attacked the Alamo.