Iphone10year 2

Revolution of iPhones

By 21cookb
  • Apples First iPhone

    Apples First iPhone
    In early January of 2007 Steve Jobs announced at the Macworld convention, that the iPhone would be release later that year. On June 29, 2007, the first iPhone was released.
  • iPhone 3G Comes out

    iPhone 3G Comes out
    The iPhone 3G was twice as fast as the previous version of the iPhone. It is also less expensive then the original iPhone. It also includes 8,16 GB of storage, 128 MB in memory, 3.5" in display, 2.0 MP for the camera. Plus 1 million sold in the first weekend.
  • The new iPhone 3G S is out

    The new iPhone 3G S is out
    The iPhone 3G S is the new iPhone 3G. This iPhone has more improvements, such as twice as fast.
  • The iPhone 4

    The iPhone 4
    Apple sold 1.7 million iPhone 4's in the first weekend. Apple said," This changes everything. Again" This phone has a front facing camera. Also, 9.3 mm thickness and more.