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    czar nicholes the 2nd

    czar was the last Russian emperor from 1894-1917 and was seen as a terrible leader causing social collapse throughout Russia, multiple failed battles, and economic collapse. he resigned in 1917 during the revolution.
  • Russian and Japaneses war starts

    the war starts over both wanting to more influence on east Asia, this war showed that the Japaneses where stronger than fought holding there battles on both land and naval battles
  • Bloody sunday

    bloody sunday refers to a event in Russian history where there was a peaceful protest being held and lead by father gapon, they where shot at by Imperial Guards while marching to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II.
  • Vladimir lenins return to Russia

    lenins's return created a important point in the revolution, his arrival caused the Bolshevik movement and was the cause of another revolution later on.
  • the great war (world war 1)

    the great war was the first world war which starred in 1914. this war involved most the major powers of the world (USA, UK, GERMANY, ETC.) and was started because of an assassination on Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • march revolution

    Also known as the February Revolution, paved the way for the establishment of a provisional government and marked the beginning of significant political and social changes in Russia such as it caused an abdication on czar Nicholas the 2nd.
  • Bolshevik establishment

    the bolsheviks where a political party led by Vladimir Lenin. after finally getting political power they formed a new government on November 7th 1917 marking the start of the socialist regime.
  • Bolshevik revolution

    the Bolsheviki revolution was a important event in Russian history, where there party (led by V. Lenin) took power over the provisional government beginning the rule of communist in Russia
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    Russian civil war

    the Russian civil war started after the October revolution, was a war based on multiple different factions trying to gain political power in Russia. the war started November 7th 1917 and lasted until june 16th 1922 with the red army rising victories and starting the soviet union
  • red terror

    The Red Terror was a brutal campaign of political repression and mass killings called apon by the Bolshevik. It targeted anyone deemed a threat to the new Soviet regime
  • Brest-Litovsk

    the Brest-Litovsk treaty was signed march 3rd 1918 and was Russia's way of exiting involvement in the war, the treaty was negotiated by the Bolshevik and resulted in significant loss for Germany.
  • romanvo executions

    the Romanov executions (occurred on the night of July 16 1918) led to the death of Tsar Nicholas and his family. this execution was the marked end of the Romanov dynasty.
  • Vladimir kicks the bucket

    Lenin died on January 21st 1924 after a stroke, his death caused a power struggle between Russia sine the leader of the Bolshevik empire was died