Revolution Digital Timeline

By SPaz417
  • The Thirty Year War

    The Thirty Year War
    The Thirty Year War was caused by religious strife in the HRE after Emperor Ferdinand's rise to power. What followed were a number of Protestant revolts against the emperor. Ferdinand and his allies had attempted to suppress Protestant states in the north and the war was fought until 1648. France & Austria had gained more territory in Germany. Princes in the HRE had also gain more independence. This event had decreased the power the Catholic church had over Europe.
    Source: World History Textbook
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights were created to prevent another English Civil War from happening and to enforce parliament's place in the Government. When William and his Wife Mary rose to power in the Glorious Revolution after James II fled. Before the two were crowned they were forced to pass acts to ensure Parliament had say in affairs. The Bill of Rights would later on to influence the United States own Bill of Rights which would later influence the French Revolution.
    Source: World History Textbook
  • War of Austrian Succession

    War of Austrian Succession
    After Charle's death in 1740, Charles had left his daughter Maria to inherit the Hapsburg throne. European rulers had refused to acknowledge her right to the throne and Fredrick of Prussia would go on to seize the province of Silesia. Maria and her allies had won the war but could not seize Silesia. However, Maria had proven that a female monarch could be equally as great as a male monarch and had continue to keep Hapsburg Austria stabilized.
    Source: World History Textbook
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was passed as a British tax on the American colonies. Colonist found it as an attack on their rights as they didn't have any say in parliament. This event would lead down to the Boston Massacre & Boston Tea Party which would only make tension between American colonist & Great Britain intensify.
    Source: World History Textbook
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The war would break out due to American colonist feeling as though they had no say in British parliament, who was introducing what they saw were unfair taxes. Representatives from twelve colonies would gather at the first Continental congress to declare independence and the first battle would be fought at Lexington & Concord. The American Revolution would later influence the French Revolution.
    Source: World History Textbook.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    After the American Revolution ended in an American victory, French, British, and American diplomats would meet to sign the Treaty of Paris. The treaty would lead to the creation and recognition by Britain of the United States and its frontier west towards the Mississippi River.
    Source: World History Textbook
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    In 1789, over 800 Parisians had gathered outside of the Bastille after rumors surfaced that the French army were to occupy Paris. The crowd of Parisians had demanded the army garrisoned there to hand over the fort's weapons. The commander of the fort had refused to let any Parisian inside and had opened fire on the crowd. What followed would be a mob of Parisians breaking into the fort. The storming of the Bastille would be the event to kickstart the revolution.
    Source: World History Textbook.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Third Estate Delegates, who had advocated for reforms and to solve the financial crisis, requested that voting should be done "by head" instead of the previous system. The Third Estate's voices had been unheard and had decided to form the national assembly and had taken the Tennis Court Oath. The clergy & nobles had joined the assembly causing Louis XIV to accept it. The events contributed to the start of the Revolution.
    Source: World History Textbook
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The storming of the Bastille and multiple revolts breaking out had begun the revolution. Paris had become a center of revolution with factions fighting for power. The French assembly had given up their special rights out of fear of rebellion and the Rights of Man had been written up. However economic turmoil, famine, and the attempted escape by the royal family contributed to the revolution becoming further radicalized. The revolution would change Europe forever.
    Source: World History Textbook
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Radicals had begin to seize power and wage war against Europe. Robespierre seize power and had instrumented the Reign of Terror. Citizens had been executed for being suspected of revolutionary activity. Later members of the Convention had turned the Terror on Robespierre's Committee and had him executed. The Reign of Terror would become a turning point in the revolution and moderates had produced the Constitution of 1795 which would go on to influence Europe.
    Source: World History Textbook