Revolution in france

Revolution Brings Reform and Terror

  • The assembly reforms France

    Member of the NationalAssemblysweeping away the feudal priviliges ofthe first and second estates.
  • The assembly reforms France

    The royal family tried to escape from France to theetherlands.
  • Division Develop

    The National Assembly complete the new constitution.
  • War and Execution

    France declared war to Prussia. The Prussians forces were advancing on Paris. The introduction ofthe guillotine.
  • The Guillotine

    Great Britain, Holland and Spain jned Prussia and Austria against France.
  • Period: to

    The terror grips France

    Many of those who led the revolution received death sentences.
  • The Guillotine

    King Louis walked up the steps of the scaffold to be beheaded.
  • The Guillotine

    The conventioin the army.on ordered a draft of 300,000 french citizens to j
  • The Terror grips France.

    Maximilien Robespierre gained power and became leader of the committee of public safety.
  • The guillotine

    The army grown to 800,000 and included women.
  • The terror grips France

    Members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre.
  • End of the terror

    The french revolution ended.
  • End of terror

    The National Convention draft a new plan of government.