Revenue Acts

  • Proclamation

    In the wake of the French and Indian war, a Native American leader- Pontiac was fed up with the British military presence on his land. The British needed to find a way to keep the Natives happy, made a line that cut off any westward expansion from the colonies.The colonies had to keep east which made their land grants basically worthless. George Washington dismissed the Proclamation and he thought it would be repealed and when it was, he wanted to have land there.
  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    The sugar act was made by the British Parliament to increase the profit from West Indian and North America sugar trade. The colonies were very mad as it hurt the colonial merchants.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The British imposed this act to help pay British soldiers in North America after the French and Indian war. The Stamp Act declared that the revenue stamps be affixed to all printed documents in the colonies. Although the colonies responded to this "No taxation without representation." The sons of liberty then formed.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    Parliament repealed the stamp act and later that day made a declaratory act. This dictated that Parliaments power in England is the same in the colonies. This made the colonies mad.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    This enacted four measures to raise revenue to pay salaries of British governors. It imposed taxes and tariffs on a variety of imports. The colonies opposed this act and some even started to rebel against the British.