Rev.of Russia

By Mugsy
  • Period: to

    Rev. of Russia

  • Markists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • Japan attacks Russia

    Japan returns by attacking Russian's at Port Arthur. News of Russian's losing led to a revolt in the midst of the war
  • Bloody Sunday

    200,00 workers and families approached St. Petersburg's Winter Palace. The workers and families asked for better working conditions, more freedom and an elected national legislature. Nicholus II orderd soldiers to fire on the crowd. More than several hundred were wounded or killed.
  • Duma

    The first duma meets. Duma is another word for parliament. Leaders at the duma were moderates that wanted to be like Britain with a constitutional monarchy.
  • Russia Enters War

    Nicholas the second made the decision to go to war, with an army that was very unprepared. Less than a year into the Great War, about four million russian troops were killed, wounded, or token prisoner.
  • The People Fight Back

    In Petrograd, women textile workers went on strike. The strikes were about the shortage of bread and fuel. They ran through the streets yelling "down with the autocracy" and "down with war." Soilders were order to shoot the rioters. At first the soilders obeyed the orders but then started to go with the rioters.
  • The Bolsheviks go on Strike

    Armed factory workers stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd. These factory workers were called Bolsheviks, which means one of the majority. Boslsheviks Red Guards took over the government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisonal government. Kerensky who were the leaders at the time, quickly disappeared.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a treaty between Germany and Russia. In the treaty a large part of Russian Territory was surrender to Germany. With the treay anger spread through out Russia.
  • Civil War Rings out in Russia

    Bolsheviks now had new set of challenges. First, stomping out the enemies know as the white army. The white army is made up of people that wanted to go back to the rule of czar, people that wanted a democratic government, and socialists who didn't support Lenin's style of socialism. The only thing the white army had in mind was to defeat the Bolsheviks. At the max point for the white army was when they had three white armies to Bolsheviks one army.
  • Civil War rings out in Russia part 2

    Several western countries including the United States sent military support. They were unsucessful.
  • New Economy for Russia

    Lenin restored a verison of capitalism called New Economic Policy (NEP). This gave more power to the people. With the government in charge of the larger businesses.
  • USSR is Born

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republic is born and the Russia name dies. This comes with the communist party into USSR.