4.1 Gender-typed behavior
I see some boys are more physically aggressive than girls. I was a kid as middle school and the first time I see there fighting that made me a shock because I never saw before in elementary school don't have fighting of boys or girls. Also, girls fighting without physically aggressive that they dislike rumors about them as rational aggressive in most middle school than high school. -
7.1 Transition to Middle or Junior High School
I felt like powerful as acting mature like adults as a top-dog phenomenon than in elementary, but I was scared to other students had powerful or who is older than me as a first-year as bottom-dog phenomenon in middle school because they had experiences that they were interacting with other students in middle school and they know to respect each other and still more learning as advance. I still look up at students who oldest than me because I want to know what were they doing at middle school. -
2.1 Late Maturer
My experiences of late maturers because I was maybe more focused on school, getting good grades, and sports than not real friends and dating girls. However, sexual maturation that I grew and change includes gonadarche and growth spurt. A negative body image, when I was a kid in middle school and had acne on my face, that makes me embarrassed if there students mocking or bullying on me. I have peer pressure that students always bully on us while I protected my only real friend. -
2.2 Niche-picking
I chose Active (niche-picking) genotype-environment correlation that I was a kid, and I don't know which I pick the path as I decided to look up at my mom was a nurse because she always loves to help people. I was have been influencing by my mom and made me happy to help people too. I felt I became successfully my skills to help. The selection of that environment did effect my continuing development. My mom told me how to respect, help, smile, patient, and work team. -
1.1 Entering Adolescence
I think my first became an adolescent in 2013. This date is regular for me. These made me an adolescent that when I was changing a period of time because I grew up. Yes, my transition to adolescence did match on the transition to adolescence because I always idealistically, as I love to thinking and ask adults about everything like history by the cognitive changes. -
3.2 Abstraction
When I was 15 years old and I always thinking that I worry about my friends. I do care about my friends if they have a problem and I helped them got solve their problem as self-consciousness. I am self-protect that I care about true friends because they never did something bad to people and I believe in my friends' feelings. When someone yells at them and I protect my friends while they yell or bullying. -
3.3 Social Comparison
I remembered when I was 15 years old into high school and noticed students had group of cultures like the cheerleaders' team that where they sit together at the cafe. However, I was not good at socializing with others because I don't know how to talk to them if they like or not. As a possible self, I was thinking of what I am and scared of becoming a different path. An integrated self, I was fine with myself and focus on classes and sports, but I have only three friends deaf. -
4.2 Non-gender typed behavior
In high school, few boys are more likely to be rapport talk because they talked about dirty and how to get a girlfriend. Sometimes, they do helping and sharing a story with their friends as boys from Prosocial behavior. -
1.2 Emerging Adulthood
This is made me already become an adult because I felt mature enough. Yes, my transition to adulthood match on the book about the age of possibilities, that is true because I have experiences like that I was thinking about my future and very difficult times while I grew up and learning from adults like my parents and teachers. Also, I love to create positive adult connections with adolescents because I helped my friends to get how to maturity and others like respect people. -
6.2 Physical Support
I do have a lot of physical support because my friends and I care about each other for no matter what. My friends and I support each other when we are having a hard time or going through hard or challenging times. My friends and I will be there to listen and lean on when another friend has a bad day and they need our support which we always will be there for them because they are my true friendships. -
6.1 Parent Adolescence Conflict
I do have some conflicts with my parents but especially most of my dad because we had been through going on about the president and educations that we disagreed a lot of it. We have different options which between me and my dad are conflicted as a generation gap. -
6.3 Intimacy/Affection
Intimacy, though part of many close with my friendships, that is not synonymous or exclusivity whenever intimate friends are my people who like each other, enjoy each other’s company, go out of our ways to help each other, and are concerned for each other's needs and support. Affection of my friendship with people who know each other and care for each other. Also, my friends and I are reliable and helpful. We develop on the basis of human affection where we can stick to each other. -
7.2 Transition to College
I had experiences from high school to college that I was ready to search for college and I was already overwhelmed because it was difficult to pick which one I could belong to colleges better for me to have a good opportunity, but I understood that one thing is Gallaudet University is only for deaf and hard of hearing students as which that is good for me and then I attended to this university. I was feeling independent in college for my first time. -
7.3 Intrinsic Motivation
I have experienced intrinsic motivation has encouraged me to share my story with other students and incorporate the student in the learning experience. Encourage creative ways to accomplish the same tasks my discover my passion at school. Extrinsic motivation, when students and I needed to work as a team in order to complete a task and clear aspects of the learning as teamwork -
3.1 Personal Fable
I remembered that i had personal fable when I was a senior in high school, and I have a problem a lot with my dad that he always doesn't believe me what I was saying to him. Sometimes, I was thinking as abstract thinking that he doesn't care about me and culture deaf. It hurt me felt passive. That's why I want to discuss with my dad about why didn't he listen to me sometimes as formal operational thinking. My dad and I will solve our problems as soon. -
8.1 Rite of Passage
I experienced having a graduation party for a ceremony with my sister, we had the same year graduated from our different high school as because I had deaf program access at another high school. Included, my mom graduated and got a degree with a nurse practitioner to research more to get to the next level. My family members were running throughout the house trying to get ready.