French And Indian War 1754-1763
The French and Idian War was during 1756 to 1763. The Brittish and France were fighting for land between Lake Erie and the Ohio River called the Ohio River Valley. The won early war and defeated young George Washington and appeard to be winning. But the British ultimately won the fight. The French Soldiers climed up the cliffs and suprised the British and killed many of their soldiers. -
Pontiac's War
Pontiac's war was a fight over a loose of Native American tribes from the Great Lakes region, Illinois Country, and Ohio Country who were not satified with the British rules and policies. The fight began when Pontiac ordered Native American to attack the British Force in Detroit. Pontiac's got its name when he beat the Britash and gained forces and alliances with the French tribes. In the war eight forts were destroyd, and hundred of colonists were killed and captured effecting many colonies. -
Proclamation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1763 was declared in October, 7 1763, by King George lll following French Territory in North America after the French And Indian War, when settlers drew a line along Appalachian Mountains. The Proclamation of 1763 says all people have rights to freedom for war. It was to organize Britsh Empire and form relations with the Native Americans through trade, settlement, and land of the frontier. Most didnt agree because many already owned land in the Western of the Appalachians. -
Treaty Of Paris
Treaty Of Paris and agreement between several states that signed it after Britishes victory over France and Spain. After the British victory they could peacefully enjoy the fruits of victory. All French colonies and territory was lost on the mainlands of North America. -
The Sugar Act
The Sugar Act is an act passed by the British Parliament in 1764, placed a tax on sugar bought by the American colonnists. It says a tax placed on any foreign imported sugar to America. They passed the Sugar Act because they was loosing money when people was getting sugar else ware. So they said buy here or any sugar u buy out of America will be taxed, for money. They disagreed with this act because they felt as if the act took away some of their rights, the tax went higher, and lost money. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act is a tax buy the British Parliament, stating it was a tax on all American colonists, requiring them to pay taxes on every piece of paper printed. The tax was passed because they knew that it would bring them more money. The colonists responded to the act by boycotting. They responded to the stamp act by boycotting and they responed to the sugar act by not minding because it was taxed by their own colonial legislatures. They fought back by boycotting and making them lose their jobs. -
The Quatering Act
The Quartering Act is a name given a minimum two acts of British Parliament in the 18th century. It was a law passed by British rulers in 1793, forcing authorities and to provide food, feul, transportation and shelter to the British military will they were in America. It was to allow British to keep a standing army in the colonies without having to pay to much. They were required to house British soldiers. They felt like their right were being broken again, and if did other wise they punished. -
The Stamp Act Congress
The Stamp Act Congress is a meeting in October 7th and 25th, 1965 in New York, for representatives from some of the British Colonies in North America; it was the first gathering to elect representatives. The leaders were John Adams and James Otis. There were 13 colonies that were reprsented. The Declaration of Rights and Grievances is a wqritten ducument that stating that the tax for the British emply were unconstitutional. -
The Townshend Act
The act was named after Charles Townshend who sponsored them, it stopped the New York assembly from counting any other businesses until it affected the Quartering Act. They taxed lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea, it had the colonists furious which also lead to riots. The Intolerable/Coercive Acts and tea acts remained. -
The Boston Massacre
King George lll was very irritated with english colonies. they didnt want to pay any taxes on things such as tea, lead etc. He sent four thousand troops. The colonists were mad with how there were being treated by King George lll, they had no say to their own properties. The Boston Massacre was a street figh in March 5, 1770 between a partiot mob. They were throwing snowballs, sticks, stones, etc. Several colonists were also killed. -
The Tea Act
The tea act was so they didnt raise revenge form the colonies It was mainly to help the revolutionary movement in Boston. A monopoly is to have control of a trade. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was in 1773, when they raided british ships and dumped. Hundreds of chests of tea in the harbor, it happpend because they put taxes on imported items. The patriots were resposible for the hundreds of chests dumped in the boston harbor. After this happend the british made a thing called intolerable acts, which closed bostons ports and ruined mass goverment. -
The Intolerable Acts
They passed the intolerable acts because they were deeply in debt and felt that the american colonies should pay part of the debt another name for the intolerable acts was the coercive acts there were 4 laws apart of this 1. closed the boston port act 2.any officer or soldier from the British government who was arrested for murder could be sent to England for trial. 3. changed the charter of mass. 4. gave freedom of worship to roman catholics -
The First Continental Congress
12 colonies were apart of this 44 people were at the first continental congress the colonies agreed to boycott british goods and have a council of saftey for every colony patrick henry john jay and john adams attented the first continental congress -
Lexington And Concord
Becuase british leader learned that the coloniest had hidden supplies the coloniest milita meet up in lexington and fired on the british. Minutemen is a militamen that volunteered to be ready for service. the concord was taking out of service -
The Second Continental Congress
In 1775 they voted to adopt boston troops it helps them avoid a full blown out war the declaration of causes explained why the state of south carolina succeded from the union -
Battle Of Bunker Hill
The colonist were intending on building their defense in boston. They built their defense on breeds hill. colonel william prescott led american colonist to bunker hill. general william howe lead the british to bunker hill. the britishs stratagies to win the fight was to scare the colonist to make them go right to the hill. because the americans werent trianed in this way. this battle was for the american colonist to bid for their independence. the british won it was close becuase they both had -
Battle Of Bunker Hill
they both had good stratagies .