
Research of time travel

  • Period: to

    Events in Time Travel

  • British author H.G. Wells publishes "The Time Machine."

    British author H.G. Wells publishes "The Time Machine."
    British author H.G. Wells publishes "The Time Machine."
  • Albert Einstein creates theory of realitivity

    Albert Einstein creates theory of realitivity
    Albert Einstein creates theory of realitivity
  • Einstein discovers space is curved

    Einstein discovers space is curved
    Einstein discovers space is curved
  • Mathmatician Kurt Geodel proposes universe may be time machine

    Mathmatician Kurt Geodel proposes universe may be time machine
    Mathmatician Kurt Geodel proposes universe may be time machine
  • Geodel mathematicaly demonstrates pathways through time are possible

    Geodel mathematicaly demonstrates pathways through time are possible
    Geodel mathematicaly demonstrates pathways through time are possible
  • U.S. physicist John Wheeler invents the name "black hole" to describe singularities in space and time.

    U.S. physicist John Wheeler invents the name "black hole" to describe singularities in space and time.
    U.S. physicist John Wheeler invents the name "black hole" to describe singularities in space and time.
  • Astrophysicist Frank Tipler plots paths around a vast, imaginary spinning cylinder, confirming that paths through time can exist.

    Astrophysicist Frank Tipler plots paths around a vast, imaginary spinning cylinder, confirming that paths through time can exist.
    Astrophysicist Frank Tipler plots paths around a vast, imaginary spinning cylinder, confirming that paths through time can exist.
  • Caltech University's Kip Thorne suggests using wormholes as a possible means of time travel.

    Caltech University's Kip Thorne suggests using wormholes as a possible means of time travel.
    Caltech University's Kip Thorne suggests using wormholes as a possible means of time travel.
  • Richard Gott at Princeton University proves that cosmic strings could be used for time travel.

    Richard Gott at Princeton University proves that cosmic strings could be used for time travel.
    Richard Gott at Princeton University proves that cosmic strings could be used for time travel.
  • The Time Travel Research Center is formed by David Anderson.

    The Time Travel Research Center is formed by David Anderson.
    The Time Travel Research Center is formed by David Anderson.